Chapter Twenty Nine

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At lunch Ginny and I don't sit with Hermione, when Harry and Ron walk in they don't know where to sit. They stand there and stare at us until I wave Harry over to sit next to me, he walks towards Ginny and I but Ron sits with Hermione.

"Why aren't you sitting together?" Harry asks.

"Because I didn't tell her about you know what until the break was over." I say. He looks at me confused. Ginny rolls her eyes.

"Why do you two act like it's some crime? The kiss, Harry. Hermione is mad because she didn't get to hear about it first." Ginny says. Luckily nobody was paying attention so they didn't hear. Harry's cheeks turn a little pink, he looks down at the table. "Oh please. Don't tell me that embarrasses you." Ginny says. I don't want the whole friend group to be divided all because of Hermione and I but at the same time she is being a bit over dramatic and I hate when people are over dramatic. Why can't she just get over it? It's not even a big deal. If it were me I wouldn't care this much. Ron gets up from his seat, he keeps looking back at Hermione for her approval.

"Uh Hermione wanted me to tell you that you should find somewhere else to stay tonight." He says. I laugh at him.

"If Hermione thinks she is kicking me out of our room she's got something else coming." I snap back. "And tell her to work up the courage to come say it to my face." I say.

"Fine!" Hermione gets up and walks over to all of us. "Gabriella I would like to inform you that you have been completely selfish considering I am your best friend by not telling me." She looks around the room, "About you know what!"

"You really think that? Pathetic." I say.

"Me! You're the one who-"

"Who doesn't owe you anything!" She looks hurt by that.

"And I don't owe you anything either so I guess we're even." She says.

"Good." I retort.

Everyone stays silent for the rest of the meal. I decide to go to the library since I'm not hungry anymore after that. As soon as I walk out Harry gets up and follows me all the way to the library. I'm furious with Hermione right now and I'm not in a good head space so I don't say anything to him in case I'll regret it. There is nobody else in the library when we enter, I walk all the way to the back bookshelves and pick out a new book to check out since I've read most of the books at the front.

"Do you actually read all of those pages?" Harry asks.

"Yes." I answer dryly.

"Ok sorry for asking." He says.

"Sorry I'm just mad at Hermione." I say. Like that excuses me being rude. He gets it though, I hope he agrees with me on the fact that she is being ridiculous. The amount of time it took for me to tell her doesn't even affect her. She should be appreciative that I even tell her these kinds of things. This is completely stuck up of her. Harry snaps me back into reality by grabbing the book out of my hand. I reach for it as he holds it over my head. "Give it back, what's your problem?" I say.

"You're acting so uptight, just relax for a second. You and Hermione will be ok; give it a few days." He says. He hands me the book back and as I turn away he grabs my arm to spin me back towards him "I wasn't done talking." He says. I cross my arms. "Don't pout at me." He says sarcastically. I can't help but smile when he says that "See, I love it when you smile. You should do it more often." He says.

"Maybe I will, just for you." I joke. Silence quickly fills the room bearing in mind we are the only two in the entire library, he starts to lean closer to me. This time I'm not as nervous but still shaky as I straighten my posture making myself closer to his height. Right as our faces are inches apart the library doors open. Here to ruin everything it's none other than Hermione Granger.

"Oh you two can continue doing...whatever you were doing." She walks back out quickly. I could've sworn I saw a look of satisfaction on her smug face. Hermione is anything but oblivious, she knows what she just did. I wait to see if Harry is going to continue what was about to happen but the moment is lost. I check my book out then we walk out of the library, the only thing that actually sounds appealing right now would be going back to the common room by the fire. I start to walk back to the common room expecting Harry to go back to lunch but he follows me.

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