Chapter Thirty Two

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At dinner I sit in my normal spot. Harry and I are the first two out of our friend group there.

"Hey could I sit here?" Cormac asks, sliding into the spot next to me. I open my mouth to talk but I am cut off by Harry.

"No Ginny sits there usually." He says with a glare. I hit him on the arm.

"Ginny will be fine, of course you can sit here." I say. As the rest of the seats fill in we have to keep moving closer together. Harry isn't very good at hiding his emotions, every few minutes I'll catch him giving Cormac nastly looks or mumbling some insult. Luckily it's loud enough for nobody to hear them.

"You're being rude, stop it." I scold under my breath. I can see the corners of his mouth turn up, he knows how to get to me. "Satisfied?" I ask. He nods. I roll my eyes.

"Hey Gabriella, I was wondering if you would want to take up that offer on hanging out tomorrow? We could hang out in the library." Cormac says. I glance over at Harry who has been awfully impolite the whole meal.

"Sure." I reply with a sweet smile. Harry's jaw drops. Ron and Ginny burst out into laughter. Of course I know that I will just be hanging out with Cormac as friends but it's always fun to tease Harry especially when he is acting jealous. 

"Wow that really sucks for you, Harry." Ginny says.

"Oh did I do something wrong?" Cormac asks. He knows exactly what he did. It seems like everyone around here likes to play dumb.

"No, it's not you that has been acting immature." I say. Harry scoffs and gets up.

"I've lost my appetite." He says. I would have followed him but dinner is basically over and I hate to make a scene. At least Hermione finally sat back with us at dinner tonight. As the Great Hall clears out I stay behind everyone and walk slowly so that I have some time to think to myself before I am bombarded with questions in the common room. Everyone always seems to make it their own business what is going on with Harry and I, do they not have their own lives? I notice another girl daydreaming about something as she walks behind the crowd. She looks up at me and I wonder if I have food on my face or something.

"Hey." She says. I look behind me to make sure she's talking to me. She was, surprisingly.

"Hi, are you good at listening?" I ask as I get a spontaneous idea.

"Depends on what I'm being told." She says. She's a little hard to read but I just go along with it.

"Would you mind listening to my boy problems, I don't know you and I don't want to tell any of my friends since they'll just try to help, and one of my best friends isn't talking to me right now anyways. I just want to rant, I get it if you don't want to listen since you don't know me and probably don't really care but-" I start to ramble on a little too much before she cuts me off.

"Yes, please." She says. We walk side by side as I start the conversation.

"This is going to sound stupid but my best friend, who I like more than a friend, is jealous of my other guy friend for some reason and it's just like if you're that worried about me liking someone else just ask me instead of acting stupid about it. Oh and by the way I don't like my guy friend, I really have had feelings for my best friend for a long time." I say. Her face fills with excitement and I assume she relates to me.

"Wow, that's complicated but I get the jealous part completely! My boyfriend is the same way, I swear I talk to one guy other than him and he has a heart attack." She says. As we talk it's almost like we are talking about the same person. "Of course there's the other issue which is his father having such an influence on him." She says. Although she explained her issues with her relationship I think she might be over exaggerating, her boyfriend sounds like a good guy who had her best interest at heart. If only Harry could man up and ask me out already. It's so obvious that we both want to be together, I know he probably just works himself up and gets too nervous or something. He needs to have more confidence in himself that he is a good person and does deserve a good relationship. Once he said that he thought he deserves all of the bad things that have happened to him. I reassured him that he never did anything to deserve any of this but it didn't really seem to get through to him.

"Hey I never caught your name, I'm Gabriella." I stick out my hand.

"Emily." She shakes my hand cautiously. I notice her green robes. I never thought a Slytherin could be so nice and relatable. Most Slytherins would first make a rude remark about how I'm in Gryffindor but she didn't seem to mind. She has a sweet smile, wavy brown hair, and green eyes. We talk until we have to part ways to go to our different common rooms.

"Nice to meet you, I'll see you around." I smile and wave before heading in the direction of the common room.

Emily is a character from another story that my friend is writing called silhouette by @dracomalfoylolllllll if you want to check it out pls (the plots won't have anything to do with each other it's just we thought it would be cool to have the characters meet)

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