What's Next...?

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Viney ushered Luz and Amity to leave the hospital. She wanted to get them away from the situation, and away from whatever attacked them.

"I'll stay with the Twins and do what I can, but you two need to go back to Willow's. Tell her what happened so that she might find a way to get out of this mess. Here my number keep in touch okay?" Amity nodded as her grip on Luz's hand tightened. The girls ran off to Willow's house while Viney sighed turning on her heel back into the hospital nearly running into a group of healers rushing towards Edric's room. A special symbol marked on their coats to signify they're jobs as oracle healers. A recently new type of job for people in the oracle coven. There job is to remove what they can including sicknesses and curses. Sometimes worse. Viney could only hope it wasn't worse but....

"Why isn't he moving?! You have to help him! Somebody please just help him!" Emira was being pulled away from Edric's room limping slightly when she touched the floor. "Get off me that's my brother!!" Tear after tear strolled down her face. Everything only shot paralyzing fear into Viney. She was momentarily frozen it didn't take long to put the pieces together. Once Emira had given up fighting the healers she looked around her eyes landing on Viney. Stumbling into Viney, Emira wrapped herself around Viney. "He got hurt when I protected you....why does he keep getting- Agh!" Emira couldn't finish her rant without nearly collapsing.

"Hey, hey, let's slow down and worry about you first, alright?" Viney took Emira into an empty room. "Em, this is where you got hurt protecting me isn't it?"

"I-I just wanted you not to worry I didn't need you to lose focus if we fought much longer..."Viney sighed lifting Emira's shirt above the wound revealing the infection-like spread throughout her torso of this dark shadowy substance. The infection sourcing from a penetration near her waist. "Do you think Edric's okay?" Viney drew a healing spell holding her hand close to the wound.

"I said we're worrying about you right now. How's that feel?"

"A little better..." Emira winced as pain started flooding her body. "Scratch that.."

"S-sorry! I...I don't think I have the spells to heal this." Viney sighed thinking on her options. "I'll be right back okay?" Emira nodded as Viney left the room.


"Luz! What happened?" Willow opened the front door to find Amity and Luz worry stuck on their faces.

"We were attacked..."

"In the hospital?!"

"The...creature seemed to be getting paid to finish us off" Amity spoke for Luz when she got lost in her thoughts. "And we don't know when it's coming back to try again, Ed and Em are the only ones that suffered injuries from the attack. They didn't look too good when I saw them last, especially Edric..." Willow studied Amity's expression when speaking about her siblings trying to figure out what to do.

"At least you guys were there...who knows what would've happened to Ed if you weren't." Willow stepped out of the way letting Luz and Amity inside.

"Honestly Willow, I'm not sure it'd be any better..." Amity and Luz went upstairs leaving Willow and Boscha to piece together what happened with the information they had.

"That didn't look good..." Boscha stood up from the couch to walk to Willow. "You think we should keep an eye on them?"

"Normally I'd say let them sort it out themselves, but I don't think it's as simple this time..." Willow went upstairs Boscha following close behind.


"Edalyn wake up." Lilith nudged her sister earning a annoyed groan before she came to her senses.

"What do you want Lily?"

"Do you still keep things in your hair?"

"Of course I do, but why do you want what's in my hair?"

"Just let me see what I'm working with." Lilith rummaged through Eda's hair a small pendant falling into her hands.

"So that's where that went! I've been looking for that."

"This is a relic! Not a very powerful one but nonetheless we might be able to use it to get out of here."  Lilith wrapped the pendant's chain around her neck a dim glow reminiscent when she locked the ends of the chain together.

"You're the one that should handle it? I am the most powerful witch on the Boiling isles." Edalyn tilted her head as Lilith shook hers in annoyance.

"And let your ego get any bigger? Not a chance." Lilith tapped the pendant slowly moving her foot in a circle. "Although I doubt it could get any bigger any way." Completing the circle small orbs flew towards each shackle on the witches. The shackles slowly unlocked and fell to the floor.

"About time."

"Oh hush.....wait E-Edalyn....the curse" Edalyn frowned at the sight of feathers growing on her arm.

"There must've been some magic preventing it in the shackles. Back to restraining it myself I guess." Edalyn muttered to herself slowly drawing a spell leaving the feathers to disappear. "That should help for now." Lilith studied the disheartened look on Edalyn's face.

"Edalyn....you've been restraining the curse yourself haven't you?! Are you crazy?! Y-Your magic is strong, but it's not going to be strong enough to stop the curse w-without consequences...." Edalyn looked away from her sister. She had no remarks or comebacks that could draw away the severity of her situation. "Elixir is made to stop curses why aren't you taking yours?!"

"It stopped working....I didn't have any other solutions to protect Luz from myself, I need to be there for the kid...."

"Edalyn....using your magic like this...y-you can get yourself killed..." Lilith put a hand on her sisters shoulder, which Edalyn quickly shoved off before getting up.

"You think I don't know that?! I've been trying to find a way to stop this since I found out! I know it's not the best thing to do but it's all I can do right now! I'm on the run more than ever and I don't have time to find stronger elixir!" Edalyn's words came out in a yell as Lilith stood up keeping her distance.

"We can find a way to stop this, together. Just promise me you won't try anything you can't handle...please?" Despite Edalyn's volume Lilith kept her voice calm and soft.

"I'll try..."

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