Truth or Dare - 14

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Just as Loki was about to spin, the elevator door burst open (even though it was made of metal) and Fury stormed out, glaring more so than usual. 

"Dude!" Tony yelled. "What did you do to my elevator?" 

"Don't question it," Clint said in a low voice. "Fury's just like that." 

Fury didn't seem to notice any of the newcomers. "I have been calling for you for THE WHOLE DAY! Why haven't you picked up?" he roared, causing Peter to wince and Tony cover his ears. 

"What for, sir?" Clint asked. "Missions!" Fury exploded. "Tons of them!" 

"Why didn't you just get the X-Men or the Fantastic Four to handle them?" Thor asked, blue eyes wide with innocence. "I did," Fury snapped. "But I'll have you know the Fantastic Four are not that fantastic. More like the Failing Four!" 

Tony, Clint and Thor all chuckled while Natasha, Bruce and Steve stayed silent like the smart people they were! 

"Wait," Fury faltered and his expression softened. "Are you playing... Truth or Dare?" 

Everyone nodded. "OMG! You forgot to invite me?" Fury squealed. 

"Did he seriously just say 'OMG'?" Quill asked Gamora who nodded. "And I thought this guy was scary."

"Hill! Danvers! Get in here, we're playing a game!" At that moment, Agent Hill and a woman with short blonde hair and glowing eyes walked out and took a seat. Fury sat eagerly in between them, grinning like a five year old on his birthday. 

Loki then spun the bottle. It landed on Carol. "NO!" Fury yelled, though it came out more like a squeal. He switched spots with Carol and grinned. "Yay! My turn!"

"No," everyone said, and Carol shoved Fury back to his original spot. "I've heard of you, Danvers. You are strong and powerful," Loki drawled. "Truth or dare?" 

"Dare," Carol replied. Loki smiled thinly. "Okay, then. Shoot Thor with one of your photon blasts." 

Thor, who was just regaining consciousness, passed out again, when he was shot with the bright light. Everyone burst out laughing, except Bruce who was shuddered. 

"No fair!" Fury pouted, folding his arms. "I wanted to do that!"

"Why is he acting like that, Steeb?" Bucky asked Steve, his newly appointed boyfriend. 

"Don't know, Buckybear" Steve said, looking concerned. 

Hill answered. "He's had a lot of sugar this morning. He was at a birthday party." She chuckled at everyone's confused expressions. "For whatever reason, and had a lot of candy. It'll wear off soon. I hope." 


Hi everyone!

Glad I've got another chappie out, even if it's a bit short.

I'm a bit lost about what ships I should do, so I thought I'd let you decide! (BTW, I am removing Thorki). Just say yes or no to whichever one you want or not, below. Thanks!








Rhodey x Nebula

Rhodey x Carol

Carol x Valkyrie

Carol x Thor

Other Ships ->

Once I have a decent amount of votes, I will choose for the next chapter.

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