Truth or Dare - 17

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I have returned with an update! I'm really sorry for the wait, btw. Writer's block, am I right?

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with this story 😅, so please send in requests or ideas so I can continue!!


Thanos sat excitedly in between Nebula and Gamora, watching the bottle with interest. "Thank you, mortals, for letting me play," he said sincerely. "If not, I would've taken over the universe, so this is probably the best path you guys have taken." (infinity war should've gone like this - a peaceful alternative)

Clint leaned towards Natasha. "So.. this guy's... interesting."

Fury then spun the bottle, which circled around on the table until it landed on Tony. 

"Stark! Truuuuuth or dareeee," he squealed, smiling widely when he looked at him, almost falling off the couch. 

Tony grumbled something unintelligent. "I think you know," he said.

The director of SHIELD nodded eagerly. "Alright then, dare!! I dare YOU to KISS LOKI." Loki and Tony's jaws both dropped so low they hit the floor. Fury had another one of his giggling fits. "On the LIPS." 

"Sh*t," Tony muttered. Rhodey shoved him playfully, smirking at his best friend's misfortune. "Alright, Reindeer Games, get your ass over here."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "I'm not getting over there, you get over here," he retorted, leaning backwards. 

"No, you-" Tony started to protest, but red magic circled around both of them and they floated towards each other (it would've been romantic if it was an actual love story). Their lips collided in a not so romantic way, which led to the two of them shouting and falling on the ground, groaning and grumbling loudly. 

Loki glared at Wanda who was laughing with Natasha. Tony leaned forward and spun the bottle. It landed on Quill who was scowling at the bottle. "Truth or dare?" Tony asked. 

"Dare." Quill exclaimed, the scowl still not disappearing from his face.

"Hmmm... how about you have to sing for the rest of the day?" Tony questioned, and suddenly Quill's scowl was replaced with a smirk.

Rocket groaned, Drax glared at Tony and Groot said, "I am Groot." 

"Here we go," Nebula muttered and Quill started singing (read: hollering) so high pitched that more windows shattered, sending small fragments of glass in all directions. 

Mantis touched Quill who still hadn't stopped his singing and whispered, "Sleep," and the man passed out instantly. She smiled at everyone else. "Who wants to go next?"

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