☁️RadioHusk Week: The Perfect Date☁️

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So maybe Husk spent a little too much time planning for this date, so sue him, he wanted this date to be the best date of Al's afterlife and he'd be double damned if he didn't make sure this was one of the very few things he'd put effort in. Husk had spent days flying around the pentagram to find anything that would be good enough for the radio demon, until he finally found the perfect spot. It wasn't his personal idea of a good date, but he wanted this to be the best date Alastor ever had, given this was a very special date. He couldn't cook for shit, so he stole Alastor's cook book-passed for from his mother  herself-and hired the best chef he could get to cook the sinners favorite meals. Then he convinced Rosie to make a special dress just for Alastor, he wasn't too fond of having to tell her why he wanted this dress so badly, but it could have gone worse-though having her threaten him wasn't ideal either.

  To say that Husk wallet would be suffering because of everything Husk was doing was the understatement of the century, he'd have to take several trips to the casino to win all that money back. Though it was a more then pricy endeavor, it would hopefully be worth it, if everything goes well. Husk drifts off into his own mind as he thinks about his lover, imagining how the deers eyes would light up, his smile softening to a genuine smile of joy, his eyes filling with tears of joy. Husk snapped out of his thoughts as he saw Alastor approach him, now was the perfect time to ask him, but he was still a bit nervous, maybe he should wait a bit longer? No, everything was already set and ready, it was now or never at this point. "Hello there Husker! Quite a lovely day isn't it?" Alastor greets joyously, sitting across the bar from his minou and entwining their claws. Husk couldn't help but notice how well Alastor's clawed fingers fit between his own claws, like their demonic forms were made to go together somehow. "Yeah I guess" Husk groans, the anxiety eating at him as he thinks about all the different ways this could go wrong. What if Alastor hates the dress? What if he hates the food the chef made? What if the chef changed the damn recipe!? "Want to go on a date tonight?" Husk asked without thinking, deciding to just rip the bandage off before he actually did back down. "I'd be delighted! Where to?" Alastor answered excitedly, Husk answering with a smirk, "you'll see".

  Husk laid the dress on Alastor's bed for him to change into, and to say Husk was left speechless could not be underestimated, he could hardly breath from the sight. Seeing Alastor dressed up in a sparkling, ruby studded dress was the most gorgeous sight Husk had ever seen, he almost choked on his own tongue as it forced itself out of his mouth. Getting Alastor to put on the blindfold was a hell of a hassle, but it would be worth it to see the look on Alastor's face when he saw everything he set up just for this, at least-he hoped so. Husk untied the blindfold and swiftly removed the black fabric blocking the deers eyes, immediately being given a delighted gasp in return. They were set on top a hill with a shady tree surrounded by a field of deep red Carnations, a picnic blanket with dishes of gumbo and jambalaya set for both of them, and a plate of venison made just for Alastor, and of course a bottle of whiskey with glasses in the center of it all. "Oh darling, you shouldn't have! Why this...this is wonderful!" Alastor cheers, this clawed hand entwining with Husk claw again as he looked on at the marvelous scene with awe. Husk smiles fondly as he leads the red-head to the picnic blanket, sitting across from him as he opens the whiskey bottle.

  "So what's the occasion my dear?" Alastor asked taking a bite of venison, his eyes widening in delight at the taste. "Do I really need a reason to spoil ya Al?" Husk questions with a smirk as he pours their glasses. "Certainly not, but you would know better than I this couldn't have been a cheap endeavor" Alastor points out with a nod of appreciation as he sips from his whiskey. Husk places a paw on Alastor's cheek as he looks deeply into the deep crimson eyes of his lover, "Al, the price don't mean shit, I did it so you'd be happy" Husk whispers. Alastor's ears lower as he nuzzles his head against Husk paw, a soft smile gracing his features as he stared deeply into the cat demons sunken, golden ringed eyes. "Fuck Al, you're being fuckin' cute again" Husk sighs as he pets the deer demons head, watching how his boyfriend nuzzles against his paw and listening to his soft and subtle purrs. Boyfriend, no, that didn't feel right. He'd have to wait until they finished eating though, after all, he couldn't say something like that and expect them to go right back to eating, regale on what the outcome ended up being in the end.

  Husk held Alastor close as they finished their meal, the cat demon licking some gumbo from the corner of Alastor's lip with a smug smile. "Thank you for all this dear, it was wonderful" Alastor thanked sincerely. "I'm glad ya liked it Al, I wanted to make tonight perfect, cause tonight's a damn special night" Husk grins. "Oh? And why is that mi minou?" Alastor asked curiously. Husk sighs as he stands up, Alastor looking up at him with confusion as Husk bent down on one knee. He takes off his top hat to present the sinner with a small velvety box, Alastor gasped as he recognized the item in front of him. "Alastor, I love you. I love you more then I've ever love anyone when I was alive. You made me regain the ability to love when I thought I lost it ages ago. Alastor, will you marry me?" Husk asked him, opening the box to reveal a beautiful golden ring with a ruby in the center. Alastor started to tear up, nodding his head vigorously as he tackled his fiancé into a hug. The two laid in the grass, their lips smushed together into a heavenly kiss. It truly was the perfect date.

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