Part six, "Keep her"

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"Shut up, Minho. I didn't know anything about this until she came up. 'Sides, you know how Alby is with his, 'The Second in Command must be present at the arrival of a new Greenie' rule." Newt retorts, rolling his eyes. "Y/n, this is Minho. Minho, Y/n."

You mumble a reply and study the Asian boy. Tall, athletic looking, with hair that looks like he used gel in it. The thought makes you want to laugh out loud. His partner is noticeably short with ashy blond hair. He's rather ugly when you think about it.

"This is Ben," says Minho, pointing.

"I'm Greenie- ugh, I mean Y/n," you say, cringing when you realize Newt just introduced you guys. As the two of them leave, you see Minho mouth, "Keep her" to Newt. Newt rolls his eyes and glares in response.

"Yeah, he's not the quietest- or the most humble," says Newt, looking rather ashamed.

"He's kinda cool," is out of your mouth before you can stop it.

"Don't you dare let him hear you say that. We already have to put up with all the klunk that comes out of his mouth."

"So," you take a deep breath, "How did they die?"

As soon as you say it, a loud creaking noise fills your ears, followed by a low rumble.

"Might want to step back a bit." Newt pulls you back by your arm.

You watch as the wall begins to move. No, it isn't the wall itself. It's two pieces of the wall, moving closer together, and they slam together, sealing the gap.

"Wow," you breathe.

"I know, right? Bloody amazing."

You raise an eyebrow. "Was that a pun and sarcasm in the same sentence?"

Newt shakes his head, laughing slightly. "I guess I've been spending too much time with Minho."

"So," you take a deep breath, "That's the Maze."

"Right you are," replies Newt.

"And you haven't found a way out, obviously?"


"But there is one, right? I mean, there has to be," you say indignantly.

"That's what we think," he says.

You turn away from the doors and scan the Glade. This is your new life.

"So, how about it, Greenie? Ya gonna last as long as we have? Some poor shanks just go straight into the Maze without second thought. No one's found them, and no one's ever come out." When he finishes his sentence, he bites his lip and looks as if he regrets saying that last part.

"Wow," you say slowly. "That's- wow."

"Well, on the bright side, looks like you ain't gonna rush off in there anytime soon, are ya? It'd be bloody suicide."

"I'm not planning on it," you reply, still looking around the Glade. "What are they doing over there?" You point to several Gladers carrying what looks like wood to make a huge fire.

"That's the bonfire for tonight. We have one occasionally." He looks up at the sky where the sun is setting. "We should probably head over there soon."

That night at the bonfire, Alby introduces you to everybody. All of them seem rather confused or awed, only several named Winston, Gally, and Jeff seem genuinely friendly. Everybody else is eating, but to your surprise, you aren't that hungry. The cook, Frypan, seems disappointed, as if he were eager to show off his culinary skills. You take a tin cup of something that tastes like a mixture of apple juice and coffee. You can remember those drinks but not anything about how you got to this place? 

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