Part thirty, "Don't take it too hard"

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You stare down at the Glade from your sleeping quarters, expecting to see him among the swarm of Gladers. But he isn't there. You spend nearly five minutes scanning the place. He doesn't show up. You're starting to worry, because this isn't like him at all.

You hurry back down the ladder to the second level, where your gaze is drawn to a small, folded white paper. It looks as if it were placed there on purpose, for someone to find.

For you to find.

You pick it up, your hands still trembling from panic. You unfold it and read the simple message.

"Y/n and Minho,

I'm sorry about this. But it has to be done. Don't take it too hard. And don't let anybody know. I'll be in the Maze- but don't risk too much. The Grievers will probably find me first anyway.

See you in the next life,


For several seconds you stare at the note, mouthing the words over and over, confused. What does he mean? He's in the Maze? What's he doing there?

And then it hits you. As if something physically pushes you backwards into the tree trunk. Your throat tightens so you can barely breathe. Your lips try to say something, anything, but not even a, "Please, no," comes out. You can't cry but you want to.

"Okay, okay, okay, it won't be too late, I-I can go find him," you manage to mumble. You climb down the ladder shakily, heart pounding. What would you do if he died? What would the Glade be like without the person who made everything better? Your heart nearly stops when you have a thought. Minho. He and Newt were friends long before you came along. The note was addressed to Minho as well.

Minho is in the Maze. He might even have found Newt already.

You stand still on the ground, processing the choppy thoughts swirling around inside your mind. You can't go into the Maze alone. But if you wait around for 'permission', it might be too late. Yet, if it isn't too late, you might save Newt's life and not get Banished. Either way, someone should know.


You groan inwardly, but grudges aren't something you should be focusing on with your best friend's life in danger. You march towards the lunch table at which Alby always sits alone. He looks up at you with a scowl and raises an eyebrow. "What do you want?"

"I- I think- I mean- it's Newt- I- he-" Words fail you and you pause to calm yourself down.

"Are you asking for his hand in marriage or do you want to kill him? Spill it!" Alby nearly roars.

You ignore the looks from the other Gladers and glare at Alby, though your hands, with the note clutched inside, are shaking. You hand him the note. He reads it through, and his face changes. Worry, fear. So different from his usual plain frown.

"We need to go into the Maze," you say firmly. Just at that moment, your tears thought it was a good time to appear. Not crying uncontrollably, but streaming down your face with nothing you can do to stop them. "Please."

Alby hands the note back and stands up so quickly his chair falls over. "Come on. But listen to me, ya shank. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE, can know about this. Okay? Ya hear me?"

You nod, unsuccessfully trying to wipe your tears away. "Got it." You follow Alby towards the Maze Doors. While jogging, you swallow over and over to get rid of the tight lump in your throat. It seems like such a cliche thing to do, but you start thinking about how big a part of your life Newt has been and how you're going to live without him.

But those thoughts are replaced with urgency as you enter the labyrinth.

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