Part three, "A bloody fantastic welcome"

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"This is the Glade," he points up and out of the box-like thing you're in, but you aren't tall enough to see what's out there. "And we've been trapped here for over a bloody year."

"What do you mean, trapped?" you ask, forgetting about your own fear. Before you let him answer, you tell him, "Why are they all staring at me?" So they were. The boys at the top of the box were staring at you like you were the first girl they'd seen in years. You didn't know it then, but you were.

"Get back to work," the boy says, and they all leave.

"Work?" you ask dryly.

"Here's the thing, Greenie, we're kinda in the middle of a bloody-"

"Maze," you interrupt.

He looks at you sharply. "What did you say?"

"A maze. You guys are trapped in the middle of a maze." You watch as his brown eyes fill with something like horror, but there's also a hint of wonder. "What?" you say crossly, beginning to get annoyed.

Instead of answering, he scratches his chin and says, "Come on, we're going to Alby."

"Hold on, I'm not going anywhere. Just- just," you pause, finding the words. "Leave me here for a while and I'll talk later."

"Fine," he replies, clearly not too happy about the arrangement, but he climbs out of the box and you're left alone. Now that it's daylight, you can see the other contents of the tiny room. Several wooden crates are stacked in the corner, each bearing the word WICKED, painted on the side. A pile of plastic tarps is next to it, and a cardboard box full of what you think must be food. It was where you had gotten the spatula. 

You slide to the floor of the room, which is basically only a hole now, and run your fingers along the ridges in the wall. Where are you? Why can't you remember anything, and is Y/n your real name? Your eyes blur with tears from the confusion, the fear. You know these boys won't hurt you, the one you talked to gave the impression that he was just as confused as you were. You sit there for nearly an hour, staring at Bill's corpse, your mind trying to come up with possibilities of what might have happened until it almost hurts.

A shuffling noise from above makes you glance up, and you know someone is there. "So, are you just gonna stand there and listen to me crying, or do you actually wanna talk to me?" you say bravely, and a face peers down at you. "Oh," you say. "It's you."

"Well, that was a bloody fantastic welcome," he says sarcastically.

"Where's- what was his name- Alby?" you ask.

"He says there'll be a Gathering later on, but we don't wanna get you upset by makin' a big deal about everything."


He looks at you and squints. "What's your name?"

"I- I don't know," you say shakily.

"You sure 'bout that? All the greenies that come up here at least have one name runnin' through their head."

"Oh," you say for the third time. "Then I think it's Y/n."

"Well then, Y/n, you ready to come out of the Box for the Tour?"

"The Tour?"

"Alby says I'm in charge this time. He's a bit confused about this whole situation. But first, you mind tellin' me who your friend there is?" He points to Bill.

"He said- he said his name was Bill."

"Did you, you know, do that to him? Kill him?"

"What? No! He started-" Your voice stops in mid-sentence, and you start wondering if telling the story of what happened inside the 'Box', you think he called it. "He was there when I woke up, then just fell to the ground after a few seconds," you say through lying teeth.

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