Part seventeen, "I think we should run"

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You stare at each other for several minutes before you shut your mouth which you didn't realize had dropped open.

"Why are-" you can't finish the sentence. You inhale shakily and try to face the fact that it was only you who was going to die tonight. You never meant any harm to come to him.

"Why are you here, Y/n?" Newt asks in a somewhat threatening voice. "What are you doing in here?"

"I was just... Wait, why did you come in here?"

"It doesn't matter! It only matters that you broke one of the rules, just like you bloody said you wouldn't! Lucky enough, neither of us will be alive to be punished. No, you broke the buggin' rule, and your stubborness cost both of our lives!" he yells.

"Not both of them!" you fire back. "Why did you even come in here? You brought this on yourself!"

"Yeah, because of you!"

You keep your mouth shut for the next hour. It becomes fully dark, but you can still see because of the eerie moonlight. Neither of you speak, at least not until you hear a creaking noise from somewhere in the Maze.

"What was th-"

Even though you're whispering, Newt hurries over to you and clamps his hand over your mouth.

"We have to stay by the door, you hear me? We can't run. Don't move. We- we might be able to get out of this," he whispers so quietly you can barely hear. You nod, and he lets go. You're furious, at yourself, this whole situation, Minho for leaving you behind. And angry at Newt. Why did he even come into the Maze? What was he thinking? It doesn't seem right for somebody who seems happy all the time, like him, to die.

Deep down, you know he's right. You can't give up. You can't go down without a fight, if it even comes to that. You both stand right by the door, as still as possible, so close together that your shoulders are touching. The clanking sound gets louder and louder, and you try to keep yourself from crying. You don't want to let the Griever know where you are, and you don't want Newt to think you're weak.

Every muscle in your body is rigid with fear, your eyes are squeezed tightly shut, your back pressed against the hard, cold door. Your hands are shaking, so you tighten them into fists. The sounds of the Griever is replaced by a low trill, then several clicks. Silence. You let go of the breath you've been holding, and hear the boy beside you do the same. The clicking whirrs up louder than before, buts seems to be moving away from you, fading. Soon, everything is exactly how it was before; only the faint screeches in the distance. You seem safe enough for now.

For now.

"I think we should run," you say hesitantly. "We might be able to keep it occupied until we can get back to the Glade."

"Right, I forgot you've only been here about a week," Newt responds. "And I remember telling you that nobody's seen one of those bloody things and lived to tell about it. You think they just stood there and gave up? Nope. They ran. And it still got them."

There's a nasty edge to his voice that you can't help but hate. "Are you saying we should just stay here? Let them get us? Because I won't! I won't go down without a fight! You can sit here as long as you want, patiently waiting for a gruesome death, but I'm gonna try to at least make it until the morning!"

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