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     Though, Rafael would always correct someone and say he was 249 years and a quarter. The human had promised Bee he'd see one more birthday, then he'd let go, but complications said otherwise. These weren't kidney failure, lung failure or heart failure. These complications were what was left of the energon in his system. It had been a blessing for the longest time, but as his body grew older, the energon started to attack his organic immune system, no longer held back by dilution. How did this energon appear within his small, fragile human body? Simple.

     One fateful day, Megatron attacked Bumblebee, and Raf was in his back seat. Ratchet cancelled out the Dark Energon with a risky procedure, and it worked, a little too well as Rafael's aging slowed with the diluted, alien substance. So diluted, it simply existed, the power source eaten by the boy's body in such a minute amount he merely was used to it.
Jack and Miko had died many, many years prior.

     Jack in his old age, Arcee by his side after Smokescreen had taken him on one last ride.

     Miko in an accident regarding what was left of MECH attempting to make a comeback. Bulkhead tells other Wreckers and Constructicons of her adventures, while Wheeljack hardly mentions her, keeping her in memory through his own silence, aside from when he visits Bulkhead, and they both happily drink to her adventurous ways. 

     Bumblebee didn't think his best friend would die so soon- then again Cybertronians lived for eons. Rafael was human- yet he lived for so long. The mech had the smallest ray of hope something would happen. Maybe his body would accept the energon, or the energon would somehow enhance his healing. Alas, these thoughts only exist in fairy tales where biology and science are thrown out the window.

     No, Raf's time had come, at the accomplished age of 249... and a quarter. 

         "I'm sorry for your loss, Bumblebee," Ultra Magnus set a servo on his shoulder plating. 

         "I'm just... glad he lived so long," the smaller mech nodded, content in this, "You guys didn't get that with Jack and Miko."

         "Yeah but they didn't have diluted energon running through their systems," the two-wheeler smiled softly, "Raf died in his recharge, so he left this world peacefully, just like Jack."

         "They said with a smile on his face," Bulkhead nodded, "I bet he was taking on great adventures in his dreams with you all over again!"

     Bumblebee appreciated the kind words and friendly faceplates, but the deep hole now in his spark festered and made him wince. He could no longer call his partner, his best friend. Rafael would no longer call him, give kind words or reassurance that he was meant to be a leader. They couldn't exchange jokes, tell how they were doing or how their planets were doing. The last of their human team had gone.

         "I will take things from here," Ultra Magnus told the promoted scout, "you need rest, and your spark needs to mourn."

     Only nodding, the yellow and black mech left for his berthroom, having met with his friends in his own dwelling, away from prying optics. He heard them leave, one by one. First Bulkhead; he had business. Then Arcee; she had a law enforcement meeting. Lastly, Ultra Magnus. Ratchet had called earlier, and Smokescreen wasn't willing to visit in his sour mood, still angry with Predaking. They had allowed him to take (Y/D) home, for Bumblebee's sake of not having to worry about it. 

     The mech tossed and turned on his berth, finally deciding to take an oil bath, but not even that soothed his nerves and aching spark. His fist met the wall, making the metal crack, black oil slipping over the edge in a gentle wave from the deep basin. He sighed, completely submerging himself until all one could see was the glow of his optics. There he stayed for the remainder of the day until he raised himself to recharge on his berth. Even then, he still couldn't quite grasp peace. 

     Far in the distance, (Y/D) waited for Predaking to rest deeply. She never did, always resting throughout the day to keep her strength and alertness at its peak, like a watchdog, always listening. When she heard nothing but the even thrum of his spark, the youngling carefully crawled from under his massive wing, stretching her own from lying still for so long in wait and anticipation. She waited a few more moments before sneaking her way to the front entrance. She had learned her lesson before about wandering on her own, but this time she was not wandering out of curiosity, nor was she alone.

     Her spark fluttered, wings twitching at the sight of stars outside the deep chasm that housed her brothers. She cooed at the constellations, but her spark tugged forward, making her nod. Transforming, she looked around in her smaller form, watching for any other Predacons that she did not know. Finding none, she giggled, charging for the glowing city. (Y/D) leaped, stretching her wings to glide for a few seconds before leaping again. She eyed a ramp, charging for that in her beast mode before transforming mid-air and pumping her reptilian-like wings. She stared at the sky, only going high enough to peek over the shortest building, not wanting to bring attention to herself. She landed on the building she chose, sniffing the air.

     (Y/D)'s spark tugged again, and she glided down gracefully into the alley. She looked back to her home, hesitant for a mere moment before charging back into the city she had gotten lost in. The youngling marveled at the glittering lights, hiding behind a waste transport as she saw Cybertronians race by. They were all shapes and colors, just like her family. Grinning, the youngling sniffed again, but her spark was already excited to venture on as she was shown the way. Her olfactory sensor confirmed these directions as she smelled for the yellow and black mech. He was very nice to her, but was very saddened when she was taken away. Her job wasn't done yet. She knew. So Primus guided her with the sense of adventure and caring to this poor mourning spark. She found a heavy door, one that wouldn't open to a foreign visitor, so she looked around. Finding no opening, she brushed the natural bond within her spark, whimpering.

     A twinkle tickled her chamber, and she smiled as a wall transformed itself away, just big enough for her to pass through. She cooed at the inside, the wall behind her shifting back to normal. (Y/D) listened a moment before sniffing the air again, finding Bumblebee's most recent trail. The tugging had stopped by now, she was at her destination. Fluttering up the flight of stairs, she peeked into one room, finding nothing. The next was a closet, but the last held Bumblebee on a berth, restless but in recharge. (Y/D) whimpered again, feeling his troubled aura. She climbed up next to him, patting his arm. Bumblebee stirred, but did not wake, so she hugged him, and his uneasiness settled, though did not vanish. 

         "As all creatures do, you will meet him again," she whispered, curling up next to the mech and giving him company for the night. 

     Bumblebee knew not who soothed him so gently, but he knew they had the blessings of Primus as his spark eased, and sweet dreams of Rafael's playful adventures tickled his subconscious.


Hope you all enjoyed the heart break  :) 
Dewclaw's adventure to Bumblebee's housing unit was inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia Soundtrack (both The Wardrobe and Lucy Meets Mr. Tumnus)


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