Unknown Territory

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     Predaking watched as the Predacon youngling rustled around his cave

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     Predaking watched as the Predacon youngling rustled around his cave. It resembled that of an Earth water dweller known as a Gulper Eel, a truly terrifying creature to most humans, but quite a natural form to Predacons, apparently. It's wide mouth, that could unhinge even wider, alligator-like legs and almost useless looking small wings suggested Predacon. It yawned widely, showing the scraplet-like denta far into its gullet meant for grinding things to a fine powder. It's size was still quite massive, being as big as Predaking's beastly helm and as long as his extended neck. Some Predacons are just that size, but this one acted differently than they, resulting in Predaking assuming it was some sort of Predacon youngling. It had yet to transform.

     He was brought out of his thoughts when the creature started to climb the wall by pushing up with its tail, reaching for the horn that was Predaking's trophy. He stopped it easily by pulling it off the wall, but this made the youngling squirm, trying to bite at him. A rather terrifying concept as the many sharpened edges began to swirl and it's jaw began to unhinge.

     The king pinned it to the floor by it's head with his body weight as it flailed, wings shaking and body writhing and wanting to wail but it's mouth took up most of its helm so it was stuck making muffled mutterings that could call no one. It was only when he felt metal shifting did he release some pressure, and the muttering soon turned into little whimpers. Predaking stood up, watching as the tiny Predacon, no taller than his knee joint, scuttled to the wall as she cried.

         "Sh-sh-sh-" he tried to coax but the youngling only threatened to scream if he moved. He realized he scared her. "Uh," he looked around, eyeing the thing she was trying to reach and took the horn from the shelf. The mech sighed as he offered it to her, wondering if it was wise to offer a piece of a male Predacon to this femme Predacon. After all, it reeked of death.

         "You wanted this, so take it."

     She only stared, colors of (F/C) and (S/C) shining from the light outside. The femme glanced from him to the horn several times before snatching it from his servo, hissing as her wings stiffened. He failed to notice one of the appendages hitched in its movement.

         "Is that any way to address the one who found you?" Predaking scolded. The youngling seemed to understand as she stopped her hissing, looking apologetic. The bigger bot sighed in relief, sitting in front of her, "Now- can you tell me where you came from?"

     The femme only started to gnaw on the horn, bright red optics grinning as she watched him give a heavy sigh. It was then that she giggled, shoving the horn back in his faceplate, which startled the mech. He stared straight into her optics for a time, unnerved by the fact she never blinked- her intake was far too wide for her faceplate, giving a complimenting look to her beast form. The wings stuck out, but were now proportionate to her body size and weight, and were most likely useful in this form.

     He took the horn back, the femmeling taking this as her cue to jump onto his table, then jump off, but didn't stretch her wings out in time, so she landed on her faceplate. Predaking hurried to quiet her down before attracting any unwanted visitors. He hadn't even informed Skylynx and Darksteel of his findings yet. Predaking wondered if he should tell the Autobots.

         "Now why would they believe me-" he sighed, holding the youngling gently as she wept lubricants, but was no longer trying to wail, wings tucked close to her form, "You look like you've been produced by organic means- young looking and still most likely growing and learning. How long have you been waiting there in that old mine? What have you been living off of?"

     He received only chirps and whirrs as an answer, but he knew that would be all he'd hear until she learned to speak.

     This couldn't have been what Primus meant when he said his warriors were not yet uncovered. How did this femme seemingly rise from the dead as the Cybertronian and Predacon equivalent of a human child? They knew how to teach new life, but new life without the ability to properly express itself? Even a spark brand new in their body could express their feelings and thoughts within the first few days of coming online. What was he to do if teaching this youngling took eons? Such as the equivalent between human years would go.

     Predaking was forced out of his thoughts as the itty bitty biting one started gnawing on his digits, a rather painful ordeal when one is not expecting it. He wrenched his servo away before offering the horn again, of which she took gladly with another giggle. He couldn't help but smile softly, an oddly natural feeling towards this little miracle. He sighed, bobbing the she-beast up and down before she fell into a light recharge. It had been a rather big day for her.

         "A designation," Predaking mumbled. He certainly couldn't just call her 'creature' or 'youngling'- definitely not just 'the femme'. He stared at her for a moment, then around his cave as if that would give some sort of clue. He felt her systems relax further, and the excited aura she held passed into a restful one. "Miracle is far too cliché," he chuckled to himself, "Scraplet is demeaning. Widemouth would result in teasing-" He stared at her for a time longer, the horn stuck between her derma, sharpened edges behind them holding on tightly to her new toy. Probably her first toy.

         "Mineshaft- oh Primus no!" He shook his helm at no one but himself as he paced with the youngling in his arms. It made a chattering sound, but she was still content, he could sense it.

         "Guard? No, to masculine."

     He thought longer.

         "Hiss? That sounds like a humanoid's pet name," he shivered. This was harder than he'd thought. He didn't often use the word 'humanoid', but when he did he was usually in a sour mood, and this name game was frustrating him.

         "For now you will be nameless until I can think of a proper designation," Predaking told the resting she-beast in his arms, for some reason thinking it necessary she knew. Of course, this little thing didn't hear, and had no care in the world.


A proper picture of your character shall be provided in a later chapter.

A proper picture of your character shall be provided in a later chapter

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