Patching What Needs Mended

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     She sat on the medical table with a wide grin

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     She sat on the medical table with a wide grin. (Y/D) was left alone while Predaking spoke with a few unruly characters in the other room. As per usual the she-beast was locked in the medical room, leaving her to her own devices. Having taken up the idea of art, she had used her acidic spit-like substance that was ever so natural to her form to create a nice big portrait of Predaking on the floor. To her it looked like a masterpiece, the spitting image of her guardian. To anyone else it was a childish mess of charred lines, and melted shapes. Total nonsense and a complete ruining of the metal floor. 

         (Y/D) did her best to not eavesdrop, but sometimes the conversation was just too much pressure on her curious audio. The door was locked, so she couldn't get out to sneak around, but she transformed, senses allowed to relax in this natural form. Her hearing a bit more acute, she shuffled quietly to the door to listen, wings twitching at each sound she thought might be to loud-

         "-to let this continue. So as our own little committee we have chosen to break away from your ranks and expand the Predacon reach." 

         "Expand to where, exactly?" Predaking was exasperated. Not only were they undermining his rule, they were acting as if this wasn't his idea in the first place- to fill the Predacon lands and live peacefully with the others. "Last I recalled this was the deepest chasm in our lands, not only that, but the only chasm. You are attempting to cause unrest by rebelling against your King?" His voice was even, as his patience with (Y/D) had greatly improved, and was projected on his other kin.

         "We wish to make a new one," a second newcomer stated, "We are too many for this chasm, and we refuse to live anywhere close to the surface!"

     Predaking shook his helm, his apparent coolness about it all making the three Predacons in front of him very agitated. They had confronted him on the stairs, and were hospitable enough, until Sinnertwin opened his conniving intake and attempted to get a rise from the bigger mech about leaving their home against his orders. He had stopped and turned to the trio before nodding and simply saying they should have the conversation in his dwelling. Even Sinnertwin gawked for a moment before the three followed. It was a rather polite conversation until the three began to realize they were being talked out of the idea quite smoothly. Like disobedient children wanting dessert first.

         "Even now I can sense your fear of the humanoids," Predaking nodded, "It is valid when they have a history of intolerance and hate, but I assure you with time old wounds can heal."

         "Forget about old wounds, they cannot change!" Rippersnapper, a shark-like Predacon with hunched legs and T-rex arms (though currently in his alt), was a bit of a sheep in that he followed the crowd, and clearly disobedience was all the rage if he had joined. "None of us have made a single kill in these months you've ordered this curfew and mandatory check-ins, I think it's about time we've had a breather from your suffocating rule!"

Predaking twitched, but it wasn't the reaction the trio wanted, which only frustrated them more. He was anything but suffocating and they knew that. They still could freely roam, some were even brave enough to venture towards the Sea of Rust and even fly above the Toxic Wastes. There had been three other murders so far, each looking like a Predacon's doing but indeed, every Predacon was accounted for on the nights of the killings. Even Sinnertwin, who stood with a smirking confidence.

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