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         "I don't know-" Tapper mumbled, bringing out the first bottle of the strange drink called Visco, but Predaking took it away from him and placed it on a high shelf

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         "I don't know-" Tapper mumbled, bringing out the first bottle of the strange drink called Visco, but Predaking took it away from him and placed it on a high shelf. It wasn't the first time the much smaller Cybertronian had visited his home. As a matter of fact this was the second time within an Earth week.

     He was a skinny, dull orange and blue bot claiming to have no use other than frequenting the bars around Cybertron. Of course, this was his job as the only Liquor Specialist. Most thought it an idiotic profession, so he was known as the 'friendly drunk'. He used this title of Liquor Specialist responsibly of course, for the most part, but the teases and the planet-wide jokes would bring him down sometimes. His profession wasn't taken seriously, but they had no idea how easily a batch of Visco could go wrong and leave them in a coma. That's why he was small, he could process it faster. It didn't stop the coma from coming completely, but it only lasted a few hours versus days or years.

         "You're the only bot I can trust- and even then I still don't completely trust you."

         "All the more reason not to!" he huffed, quite in agreement with the king's distrustful suspicions than being offended by them. "I'm the Liquor Specialist, it's not easy to hide information with me."

         "You're also the Liquor Specialist, no one expects you to be the only friend of the Predacon king." Predaking noted, and the mech huffed.

         "Look, ring leader," he used the nickname he somehow remembered after a drunk escapade years ago. "you're a nice guy, easy on the optics, voice as smooth as fresh, sweet energon straight from the purifier- talk to the Autobot council, they'll help you with this- whatever it is!"

         "I already spoke with them, but they act like I have been an enemy for years, refusing to let me even search where I may need to."

         "Have you tried begging?"

     This suggestion enraged the bigger bot as he slammed his fist against the metal table, glaring at Tapper as he shrugged.

         "I'm sorry but I can't help you. You said secret," he held up a digit, "and trust in the same sentence while you were explaining the subject without giving me what the actual subject was." Tapper lowered both digits and knocked his knuckles on the table, "I'd rather not get you in danger because of my chosen profession, buddy."

     Predaking understood this, but who else could he trust to watch after the youngling? (Y/D) wasn't going to be able to remain on her own for long periods of time unless she was in a complete stasis, but with her being so young, it could be as damaging as a coma. The mech sighed, staring at his table for what felt like eons before hearing Tapper's terrified mutterings. He looked up with no holding back of his obvious frustration, expression turning to a curious one as the bot on the other side pointed and shook like a leaf. He turned around, finding (Y/D) trying to push the bottle of Visco off the shelf. How she managed to get onto the counter so silently, he had no idea.

     The king of beasts sighed, getting up from his seat and picking the femme up with his servos. She squirmed with a beastly grin, only to stare at Tapper when he came into view. He shivered as the femme stared with unblinking optics.

         "Whatcha got there- Pr-Predaking?"

         "Oh, this?" the mech smirked, setting his current priority on the table and letting her skitter across to sniff the other, much smaller mech. "just my, 'whatever it is'."

     Tapper didn't appreciate being mocked but he knew he probably deserved it as he was sniffed by this creature.

         "H-hi there, big guy-"

     (Y/D) crooned, transforming with her wide mouthed grin, wings flicking, surprising the mech as he grew more interested than fearful.

         "A femme Predacon?" he asked and Predaking nodded.

         "But she's- she's a sparkling!"

         "A what?" Predaking raised a brow.

         "Never mind that, demented human fantasies back on Earth that appeared after the Autobot-human alliance attempted to further create you guys as an illusion." he waved it off, "keep your innocence."

         Predaking just nodded, having no interest in the human fascinations.

     Instead he watched as the laid back mech attempted to hold the youngling, resulting in her going completely limp with a giggle, and he fell with her. Tapper glared at the femme as she laughed at his pain, mumbling a few profanities before hefting her back onto the table that reached mid-chassis on him. In other words, he barely had the arm strength to lift her up so high. She pulled at the helm fins that faced behind him, making the dull orange mech whine.

         "That hurts tiny terror-" Predaking was surprised he came up with a nickname while sober, "Where'd you pick her up?"

         "The last known mine," he admitted, "I suspect she had been living there before I arrived, but the Autobots refuse to allow me to even look through it's shafts. They fear I will destroy it."

         "Well, you know what they say- easier to ask forgiveness than permission," Tapper shrugged, finally getting his helm fins out of (Y/D)'s death grip. "That's a rule I live by, when drunk- anyway, whatever. My point is, go look. If that's all you're going to do, do just that. No harm done. Bots go down there all the time anyway."

         "They do?" Predaking rose an optic brow.

         "Uh- yeah?" Tapper acted like this was a common known thing among all Cybertronians, which it was, unless you were a Predacon, "Dark cavern used during war? Idiot bots come running out saying it's haunted while the lesser superstitious use it for picnics, a historical lesson, combat training or a quiet place for mechs to take their femmes for a date."

     Predaking hummed in thought, optics flicking to (Y/D) as she giggled, walking towards him with wide arms. He caught her before she tripped over her own pedes, smiling softly as she grinned with that horrifyingly wide mouth.

         "So- what exactly did you need my help with for her?"

     To this, Predaking smirked.


What's this? A biologically accurate fanfiction? I know, shame on me ;) 
Tapper is largely based off of IDW's Rung from the Lost Light comics in his appearance. I'm afraid I don't know his personality so cannot claim that as inspiration.
If you'd like a close up of his design please visit my OC book.

Note: I created the design for Tapper long before I created Dewclaw, so please bare with me on her design, thank you.

Note: I created the design for Tapper long before I created Dewclaw, so please bare with me on her design, thank you

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