Brotherly Quarrels

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         "You brought a humanoid femme?" Darksteel growled at his brother, who stood as a barrier between him and Greenlight

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         "You brought a humanoid femme?" Darksteel growled at his brother, who stood as a barrier between him and Greenlight.

         "Of course I did! She's grieving from losing her Amica Endura and could have been targeted."

Darksteel huffed, not quite understanding what Skylynx was trying to say other than he brought a fragging humanoid into their dwelling. Of all places; there she was, recharging peacefully with the helm-paining smell of Visco. She reeked of it and Darksteel hated the scent with a passion, now it was filling their private quarters.

     Skylynx sighed, realizing he wasn't taking his brother's simpler processor into consideration. The smarter mech lost his defensive stance, placing a gentle servo on his brother's shoulder plating. The heavier mech lost his own defensive stance and looked to the shorter mech with confused interest.

         "Darksteel, we are brothers with bonds of twin sparks. She lost her sister-in-arms. That's as if you would have lost me to these murderers."

With a new-found understanding, Darksteel hugged his brother tightly, glancing back to the resting femme when they parted.

         "She has lost a sister, so-" he thought a moment before grinning, "we can give her a new one with (Y/D)?" 

Skylynx hushed his brother's enthusiasm, watching Greenlight stir with a cringe before speaking again, knowing she was still in recharge from her restful aura.

         "No, while I trust she will not make trouble I do not trust many with the knowledge of our sister-" he whispered warily, "Greenlight will need to prove herself to me she is capable of withholding this secret from the Autobots, her and Knockout know each other well because of her deceased friend Lancer always getting into skirmishes."

While the Autobots already knew of (Y/D), Greenlight believing they did not know would certainly be a proper test to see if she was trustworthy with such a secret as the youngling's existence to keep. It was also a safe test.

         "Prove herself to you? What about me?" Darksteel huffed, "First of all what about Predaking? He will not be pleased about this in the slightest."

         "He has made no rule we cannot bring a humanoid to our homes, or even the Predacon lands, it's just frowned upon by the majority. I'm sure we three are the only ones with mild connections amongst the city dwellers. The rest of our brothers hate them for no reason except that they are many, and treat us like lower beings."

         "I think the treatment alone is fair enough to dislike them," Darksteel huffed, arms crossed.

         "While this is valid why have we let them? They are afraid of them as much as I was to bring Greenlight here. I realized I was afraid of my own brothers. Why? Because they are many."

The taller mech paused a moment as he mulled over the many words his brother threw at him. Most were small but it was still a lot and his slower processor took longer to filter through them so he could drum up a response. He glanced back at the femme, her green paint job a strange sight.

         "I see," was his slow answer, meaning he was still thinking, "Because of the humanoid's numbers being greater than ours, we feel lesser, almost weaker."

         "Exactly right," Skylynx praised his brother, who smiled at his accomplishment, "I cannot fear my own brothers, else they will realize it and begin to ignore me and my orders, you cannot afford this either, even with brute strength that sends them shaking away. But it will be wise to stay cautious with Greenlight, as we are of our sister."

         "That brings us back to Predaking," Darksteel frowned.

         "I'm certain he would approve considering her closest friend was a target, she may have been targeted as well. She was also very intoxicated. Greenlight was fortunate enough to be able to send me a message, although barely understandable."

     The bigger brother nodded, sitting with Skylynx at the opposite side of the room, door closed but their senses were alert in case someone entered their front entrance, which had no door. No one really stole anything, and their community may be large but they could sniff out anyone, it was pointless to hide and fruitless to steal. So here they sat, speaking partly of nonsense, but topics would switch to more pressing matters, like the growing unrest, how oppressive the aura had become in their own homeland. They stood as guards over the entrance to the deep chasm every night, trying to find these rebels that would dare disturb the already wavering peace between the Predacons and their Autobot neighbors. No one came in, and no one came out.

         "Sinnertwin has no passage in his dwelling, and his alibis are either true or are well learned in lies," Darksteel muttered disappointedly, "I was hoping to have a reason to challenge him."

         "Calm your warring desires, brother," Skylynx teased with a half smirk, his optics watching the grass-green femme he had brought with him. She seemed so peaceful now. "Right now more conflict is not what we need. Predaking says more have joined this false, humanoid peace group that hates us with a passion. More so because of these killings of their humanoid brethren."

         "Most are drunks," the mech huffed, "plagues to their society."

         "As if we don't have our own?" Skylynx raised a brow, "We even take part of the occasional drink. You may not like the smell but you enjoy the relaxed feeling a lower grade can bring."

         "Perhaps but you dislike drunkards as much as I. Never have I seen you take pity on anyone even if they are not usually intoxicated. Let alone a humanoid femme. Look at you, you haven't even bothered to look at me for the past five Earth minutes. You're staring at her aft!"

         "How dare you-" Skylynx took immediate offense, elbowing his brother harshly in his side with a growl. Yes he was staring at Greenlight (which he wouldn't admit either way) but certainly not at her aft. "I will not be painted as an indecent mech who would stoop to such levels, even by you!"

         "Someone's touchy-" Darksteel earned another elbowing to his side before his technical twin got up and started for the door, "You smell different!" He called before the mech left the room, laughing as he followed just to tease him further to earn more answers.

     Greenlight smiled in her false recharge. The two were too busy arguing to have noticed she was more awake than she appeared. The femme glanced at the door, sky blue optics amused by the brother's antics. Her helm pounded from the Visco still in effect, so she gave a love sick sigh, falling back into recharge as her spark thrummed with a full feeling, knowing she wasn't as alone as she thought she'd be.


An Amica Endura is the Cybertronian term for a life long friend. This title is not given to just anyone, considering they can live for eons. It is a step below a Conjunx Endura (the equivalent of a spouse).

 It is a step below a Conjunx Endura (the equivalent of a spouse)

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