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Note: that's a WIP of Ace, and yes, that is my drawing. No stealing or falsely claiming my drawing or oc.
Warning: ace d e d and sad times for our favorite autobot medic

Ace and ratchet made it, they were back at the edge of protihex. Ace sighed as he and ratchet got out of the ship, the elite guard let out a sigh, "sorry about not being able to get your back-kit back.. it was a bit too risky." "I know, ace.. don't worry, I'll get myself a new one." The two headed to the city as they talked.

"I never had the chance to really see the beauty of cybertron's return.."
ratchet smiled and replied, "you like it? Of course, there are still things that need to be done-" "HAULT." The two stopped right where they were to see a policebot, ace stepped forward and asked, "is there something wrong, officer?" Both mechs couldn't see the mech's optics since his visor was on. "Yes, you." "Me??" Ace asked in shock before they knew it, there were two more officers and they took ace's wrists and cuffed them behind his back. Ratchet went over to the lead policebot, "sir- he did nothing wrong! You must have the wrong bot." "Medical chief ratchet, this bot has kidnapped you and now we're taking him." "What?!" The two shouted at the same time but before ratchet or ace could do or say anything, the policebots started taking ace away. The black mech turned his helm and shouted, "it's alright, ratchet! I'll be back before you know it!"

Ratchet had watched the news about what happened on protihex and there were several news reports of ratchet going missing/kidnapped. He watched them all but one of the new reports really caught his attention.

"The former autobot senior and medical chief, ratchet has been kidnapped! This footage was taken on scene as it happened." The screen flickered to a security camera that was in ratchet's street. The footage played out ratchet taking a walk back home but then there was a red circle to indicate a shadow of someone that followed behind him closely, it followed him all the way the th otherside of the screen. Then there was nothing but the still footage of ratchet's street until a shadowy figure appeared from his house emerged with the unconscious medic. The shadowy figure ran with the unconscious medic along with someone tailing him with their swords drawn out. The figure with their blades were more clear to see than the other, it was ace. The footage shrunk down to the top right of the screen as the news reporter spoke, "the one with the sword is known as ace. He has the record of being a spy for the decepticons! Police believes he is working with the unknown mech-"

Ratchet paused the recording, "that is not right! Ace is an elite guard! Who the frag changed the records about him?!" He tossed the datapad aside before bursting out of his house. He demanded a trial.

The next solar-cycle

"No trial. Ace is being executed today."

"What?! On who's authority?!"

"The high council's."

Ratchet growled in frustration, "this is ridiculous! He is an elite guard, not a con spy! Someone must've hacked the records about him! I demand-!" "Sorry sir but the high councils had already finalized the plan, no rooms for delay." The officer said in his monotonous voice, ratchet growled before saying, "i want to meet with the high council!" "You may do so tomorrow. Now, good cycle, sir."

Ratchet couldn't believe the innocent mech was going to be executed because he was accused of kidnapping him. "Primus! Save me! This absolutely fragging ridiculous!" Ratchet cursed as he paced his living area. Ratchet let out a frustrated sigh, "I can't believe it..." he then sat down on his couch and put his elbows on his kneepads and his servos on his face. "First i lost my family, then i lost my friends, after i lost optimus and now- now ace.. primus... ace.. you don't deserve to die like this... you don't deserve this sparkless act... the high council... who are they..?"

"I can smell a decepticon a mile away."
Ace looked up at the 'high council' with a dangerous glint in his optics. "Of course not. We've seen your record." One of them said as she smiled. They didn't step into the dim light that was lit above him but the bottom of their faces showed the brightly scheming smiles. Ace growled, "who are you? I don't think we've ever met." "Why would we tell that to a dead bot?" Ace's optics widened as he saw a flash of light until.. nothing...

The next solar-cycle

Ratchet had a plan and it was to return to earth. The medic found out that this 'high council' appeared out of nowhere. There were no autobot records about them and all traces he tried to find led him to nothing. He felt it in his tanks that he needed to get out of here. He walked into the medical facility to see no knockout, he wondered where the bot went but continued to go find the med-ship. He found a few policebots guarding it and huffed out, he had go out at nightfall.

Ratchet was not aware that someone was watching him.

The medic walked down the dimly lit hall, on his way to the ship. He peered down the corner to see more policebots, "slag.. how in primus' designation am I supposed to-" right as ratchet was about to turn and leave, he heard metal crash and whipped around to see the guards down. Ratchet quickly jogged over to see the downed guards, they were just unconscious, not offline. Ratchet slowly stood up and saw that the door was open, he heard more crashes coming from inside the room. The medic jogged in, the warehouse was full of unconscious policebots. He tried to look around for who was responsible but then snapped his attention to the ship, it was open. He slowly crept over to the entrance and called out, "hello..? I know you're here.. who are you?" He went into the ship and crept down the hall to the bridge. "Hey! Are you in here?" He finally reached the bridge and opened the door to see-

Cliffhanger, because why not? Also, i might make a book abt Ace if y'all are interested to read it- maybe throw in a book abt my tf art trash. Idk, anyways, peace

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