The family

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There she is- Lyra Pax~ thank you to @Zoe_Nagini23 for the suggestion! Honestly, it is a pretty good name since lyra is a constellation like orion. Also represents a harp which might fit her since she is going to be a peacemaking little ball of harmony, now... on with the story.

Giving birth to the sparkling was hard, of course, but the medic managed with the help of his prime and was able to give berth to a very adorable sparkling.
"She's... she's so beautiful..." optimus said cradling her gently and nuzzling his chest up to her small frame softly. Ratchet chuckled and whispered, "let me see." Optimus slowly walked over to his sparkmate's side and lowered his arms to show ratchet, the medic was about to take her but optimus whined in response. Ratchet sighed, "fine, fine, but i want her in my arms afterwards." The prime smiled brightly before giving a nod and kissing his forehelm, "i love you~" ratchet chuckled softly before yawning, "i lov- ahhm- i love you too.." "get some rest, ratchet."

"Be careful!"
Lyra was running around the house while squealing in excitement, optimus not far behind to catch her. Ratchet sighed before turning to see undertone walking in, "what's going oOn-" he recoiled a bit when lyra zoomed past him, "need help?" Ratchet hummed and gestured to help optimus and the snow white minicon gave a nod before leaping up and scaling the walls before tackling down the sparkling and holding her in his arms. Optimus and ratchet sighed in relief before going over to their son and daughter. The medic scooped her up and sighed, "you little rascal.. of course you just had to turn out like your sire, hmm?" Lyra giggled and made a bubble on either side of her cheeks before, making a pufferfish face, ratchet did the same thing and kissed her tanks. She squealed since it was ticklish and bopped her carrier's cheeks, making him blow some air and then he went to the kitchen to set her down on the high chair. "Primus.. please drink your energon properly this time, lyra." The sparkling gurgled before grabbing the small cube and drinking it carefully. Optimus looked over to undertone, "thank you for the assistance. Mind telling your brothers and cousin about the family photo we will be taking soon?" The mech gave a curt nod before heading out. Ratchet walked over to optimus' side and the two held servos, they leaned onto each other and watched undertone swiftly disappear in the distance.

"Thank you for doing this, cody burns." The young adult smiled, "it's my pleasure! Now, everyone gather around." Optimus gave a nod and stood next to ratchet as they both held their small sparkling, greencross and bumblebee were on either side while undertone and medix were at the front in the middle of the frame. Cody held up his camera and said, "alright.. say cheese!" Everyone gave a bright smile and with a small click, cody looked at the picture and said, "i think this is perfect!" Greencross was first to run over, "let me see! Lemme see!" Cody showed him the photo, bumblebee, undertone, and medix walked over to see it as well and nodded in approval. Ratchet walked over to bee and handed him lyra, he took her and optimus looked down to cody. "Could you take a picture of us two?" He gestures over to ratchet and himself, the human nodded and the two big bots went back over and stood together. They held their servos together and then looked over to cody who gave a thumbs up. They smiled as he took a picture and said, "alright, I'll go print these out!" Optimus gave a nod, "thank you again." "It's no problem! Plus.. you guys make a noble family!"

The pictures were hung on the walls of their home, green and bee looked over to ratchet and optimus. "We better head back to earth, got a lot of things to do." Optimus gave a nod, "taking medix as well?" The two nodded, optimus gave a nod and they left the room. The prime walked over to his sparkmate, who was looking at their portrait, and gave a small peck on his neck cables, ratchet hummed in delight as he turned his helm and the two briefly kissed. "I never thought my dreams would ever come true.." optimus placed a servo on his mate's shoulder, "but it has, old friend." "And it turned out even better than my fantasies." Ratchet turned around fully and the two smashed their dermas together, glossas dancing between them. "Ahem.." the two almost flinched and looked over to see undertone, they separated and laughed. "Sorry, what do you need?"

Hbdisjojwojosjixh- i am so fraggin tired- send hlep- anyways, there are like.. two more chapters I'm gonna make to wrap this book up. Thank you to those who stuck around, i really appreciate your support and i hope you do the same to my other books that are posted or going to be posting sooner or later- anyways, this is all i have for now sO- have a good day~ thank you again zoe for the name suggestion-

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