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Warning: torture and gore, and some trauma

Ratchet groaned softly before slowly opening his optics, he was about to stand up but he felt something holding his ankles. He looked down to see chains, he then looked to his wrists which a stasis cuff was holding together. He tried pulling on them but he was unable to break free, then he heard a door open in the distance and snapped his helm over to the general direction. "Well, it looks like you finally decide to join us in the real world." Ratchet growled to the figure, "what do you want?!" "You should remember.. don't you?" The figure said as he stepped out of the shadow and into the dim light. "L-lockdown?! But- you're.. offline..." the bounty hunter smiled and shook his helm, "I've been alive and got quite a few upgrades. Ya like em?" The medic scoffed before looking away from the mech before him but then the thought hit him, "there's a bounty on me?!" "There it is.. and yes, an anonymous decepticon placed one on your helm but they wanted you alive." Ratchet could hear the slight annoyance in his tone but then saw the mech's derma turn into a smile, "but you do remember.. what i do with my bounty, don't you doctor?"


Ratchet was on the battlefield in his hometown. He couldn't find any autobots, only decepticons from left to right. He continued to run down the street, hearing explosions behind him, then there was a dark figure that stepped in his tracks. "You look like someone who'd know." The figure said, ratchet opened his dermas to question the mech until a punch was delivered to his face.

Ratchet wondered why there was a bounty on geartank, an elite wrecker who was probably still trying to protect iacon. Ratchet then hissed in pain as he felt a blade being shoved deeper into his shoulder. "Tell me where he is." "Over my lifeless husk." Lockdown scowled but said, "very well." Ratchet then yelled out in pain.

The medic was forced to watch as he was taking geartank's weapons and then stab him straight in the spark chamber. Ratchet winced when he heard the mech cry out loud before silence. There, laid the offlined elite wrecker. Ratchet watched as the bounty hunter attached the weapon to his arm. "Would you look at that.. a perfect fit." He then turned to ratchet, "don't worry doc, I won't do the same to you." "Then what do you plan on doing with me?" The taller mech walked over and placed a servo on his shoulderplate, "I'm letting you go." Ratchet did not understand and thought it was some trick, "yeah.. and I'm a wrecker." The bounty hunter snorted, "i may bear the symbol of the cons but I'm not gonna really act like them. Besides.. you're not wanted bounty so there's no reason to keep you here."

End flashback

Ratchet shivered and growled, "yeah. I think I remember.. taking their upgrades but- I don't have any. I'm just an old bot." Lockdown hummed, "i think that back-kit seems like a fine trophy.. wouldn't you say, doctor?" The mech asks as he began to creep up to the medic. "No- wait- i-" but then suddenly lockdown was hit on the back of his helm and fell forward, unconscious on the floor. Ratchet looked up to see a slightly shorter figure with one glowing cyan optic and the left one being a dangerous green. Ratchet felt that he was frozen in place as the figure walked up to him, they didn't really step into the dim light. They still hid in the darkness as the figure drawn out their sword. Ratchet raised his cuffed wrists in alarm and curled into a ball, "wait-! I-!" He heard the blade swing down and slice something, he didn't know since his optics were shut tightly. He felt the restraints fall to his pedes and heard the sword being placed back in its scabbard. He slowly opened his optics to see a servo in front of him, the figure was still hiding in the shadows. He looked to his wrists and ankles to see that there was nothing and the broken restraints were scattered on the floor by him. He looked back at the unknown's optics then to the servo, ratchet scoffed then swatted the servo away and slowly got up. "Who- who are you? Why would i trust somebot I don't even know." The figure put their servo back to their side and chuckled. Ratchet was taken back and grumbled, "what are you laughing at?!" "You never change.. do you?" His vent hitched as his stance went slightly rigid, "it can't be.. ace..?" The figure finally stepped into the dim light to show himself. The speedster gave him a small smile, "doctor.. very interesting but I expected you were gonna be one." Ratchet only had his jaw hanging, he couldn't believe his optics until he shook his helm and asked, "how are you alive? What happened to your left optic? Where is your right arm?! And- you've got armor.. what.. happened to you..?" They didn't notice the awakening mech so once the ex-scientist opened his dermas, the bounty hunter uppercutted ace's jaw. Ace flew back and hit the wall behind him, ratchet gasped before the bounty hunter kicked him to the other side of the wall. Ace grabbed his jaw and massaged it a little before grunting in pain when lockdown charged into him. The elite guard growled before grabbing the mech's helm and swinging it to the wall, both the rivals were wrestling each other until lockdown was able to pin him down and stab his side. Ace couldn't do anything as he was punched in the face, being knocked out. Ratchet could only watch as he winced trying to get over there, he only watched as lockdown took away the mech's weapons and leave the room. Ratchet took this opportunity to crawl over to the unconscious mech and check on his systems. The medic sighed seeing that he was fine except for- the door burst open and lockdown had chains, he walked over to ratchet and ace. He harshly grabbed the medic's wrist but ratchet struggled and shouted protests but he wasn't fazed by it at all. "Shut up and come on." He had wrapped the chains around both of the mechs wrists and dragged them into another room. They reached the room that had two slabs, he then grabbed ratchet first and set him on the slab. Of course ratchet still struggled to try and make it more difficult for the mech but he managed to strap the medic down. He then quickly strapped the ex-spy down and chuckled, "two astrobirds with one stone." Ratchet scowled, "tell me why there's a bounty on my helm!" The mech looked to the medic and said, "isn't it obvious? After the news of you being the prime's lover and closet friend, there was a bounty on your helm. You were originally going to be terminated but someone else wanted you alive.. so that bounty became higher priced and knowing your fighting capabilities, i can deliver you with ease but somebody here wanted to play hero." The bounty hunter glanced to ace before sighing, "I'll be back." With that he left the room leaving ratchet alone with the unconscious mech.

Ratchet heard a groan from his side and turned his helm to see ace wake up, the black mech shook his helm and groaned, "ahh frag.." ratchet sighed and asked, "are you alright?" Ace flinched but turned his helm and nodded, "agh- sorry, I'm fine though. You're not hurt, right?" The medic snorted and replied, "just my feelings.. what happened to you? How did you even find me? And-" "don't worry ratchet. I'll tell you everything but for now, know that i was imprisoned here and was subjected to torture and.. a test subject. Once i escaped my demise i was alone on cybertron, fending for myself until i finally found you and team prime. I secretly watched you and followed you, although.. i was about to stop you when you were about to.. ya know.. but ultra magnus was there. I can't believe ultra magnus is still alive." The mech let out a huff before the door opened, lockdown was there and said, "finally! Although, i could've just woke you up myself but i know you'll be needing the rest cause what I'm about to do to you is dismantle you armor by armor, piece by piece, and wire by wire." Lockdown says as he grabbed the arm and crushed it a little, ace winced as he did his best to struggle. "Ah ah ah~ this is only the beginning."

Ratchet was forced to watch his comrade suffer and be questioned one of the most ridiculous things. Ratchet would shout in protest to try and make him stop but the cries were ignored as lockdown continued to torture out information from him.
"I know he's alive!" Ace only turned his helm away once more but was electrocuted right in the exposed chassis. The speedster quivered in pain but shook his helm as he kept his dermas shut, lockdown growled as he crossed his arms, "don't make me give you back to the gearhead. He's paying high price when you're alive as well." Ace spoke quickly, "I don't know where he is- all i know is his p-plan!" Ace shouted in pain as another rod was stabbed into his exposed sensitive wires, this one was near his pistons as he felt his entire body get paralyzed from the pain. Ratchet wondered who they were talking about and why it's so important, the medic assumed ace would tell him after they escaped so he tried the restraints again. He didn't like seeing his friend in pain, especially someone who genuinely made him happy during their time together. He watched as lockdown sighed and said, "we're going to arrive at your meeting point first." Then he turned to ratchet, "the mech I'm meeting with is at this planet called.. earth. Now excuse me, I'm going to go now. I'll be back though." The two bots watched as the bounty hunter left the room, ratchet then looked at ace, trying to see his major damages. Ace appeared to have a missing arm, which was never fixed and was damaged more thanks to lockdown, along with burned and stabbed seams and wires, his armor platings were ripped off and there were several coiled barbed wires sticking out of his shoulders and knee pads. Ratchet could also see a lot of scratches and old wounds that were never taken care of, the medic even wondered how the frag the speedster survived on their dead planet. That was also a question for later but right now, they had to escape.

Ace is my oc, he's a speedy mech who worked as a scientist to a spy. He actually used to be a she, ace was born on caminus but her creators became abusive, they moved to cybertron and lived where ratchet lived but not in the same housing unit. Her creators forced her into becoming a mech and kicked him out so he lived on his own. He found a friend and lived with them, making new friends along with enemies. He was never interested in love so he never started a relationship, his studies went into science and eventually became a scientist. His work was recognized but so was his athleticism, he was then summoned by an undercover agency and started working for them. His brains and bronze were used to serve under the secret agency which worked for the high council and was recognized to be a senior spy. His armor was upgraded more and was given his own weapons, soon when the war happened he became an elite guard and served under alpha trion. Although he was known to not survive the massacre of the elite squadron, but he did and was discovered by a scientist who was similar to shockwave but was corrupted to only inventing new methods of torture. He became a victim and suffered under the scientist's clutch until he found a way to break free and kill him. He wasn't the same after that and continued to struggle for survival on cybertron. And how he met ratchet was that he was on a simple undercover mission and the handsome white mech caught his optics. They became friends but once the war started, they separated. But don't worry, ace will die soon :) anyways, y'all prob ain't interested in my character so I'm just gonna see y'all in the next chpt. Peace

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