Chapter Twenty Seven

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When I woke up I was being carried over someone's shoulder.  I raised my upper body up, and slid down the front of the man carrying me.  He swung me up so that I was being carried bridal style.  I arched my back and rolled out of his arms and onto the forest floor.  Before I could run away he kicked me in the side.  I felt a rib break.  Adrenaline was rushing through my body so I barely felt it.  I shot to my feet and started running away.
I don't know where I am.  In the woods somewhere.  It still feels like pack land, but not a place I've explored.  I change into my tiger.  I can hear the men behind me pause, and change into their animals.  I don't look back to see what animals they are.  As a tiger I run.  I don't know which direction I'm headed in, but that's not important right now.  If I'm headed back to the pack house that's good.  If I'm headed to a boarder that's good too.  The boarder patrol will help me.
I run and run.  They can't catch me, but they are keeping up with me.  My adrenaline is starting to run out, and my side hurts. 
Suddenly I catch a scent I recognize, and start running more to the right.  The pack house is ahead about a mile.   I can make it a mile.  Right now I'm looking for a main trail where there are cameras.  I find it.  When I'm in hearing range I start to roar.  Finally I can see it through the tree.  I hear the men behind start to back off.  I'm safe.  Hopefully they caught the animals behind me on camera. 
I don't stop running until I'm past the warriors who have come out of the house at my roar.  They explode into action, running after the men behind me.
I collapse onto the ground.  My energy is gone.  I hope that kick to the side didn't hurt the babies.  I hear people rushing out of the pack house.  Dr. Graham comes to check on me.  I'm still in tiger form so it takes a bunch of people to carry me into the clinic.
Knowing I'm safe I pass out on the vet table. 
When I wake up I'm still a tiger.  I'll have to stay a tiger until my rib heals.  It doesn't hurt as bad so hopefully I've been out for most of it.  I look around and realize I'm in one of the animal enclosures on a bed of straw.  I carefully go to my feet and pad over to the water bowl for a drink.  My side feels pretty good, so I change to my human form, and wrap the robe around me that find hanging on the wall.  The latch on the door is easy for my human form to open.  So I leave the enclosure and walk down the hall to the door that leads to the main part of the clinic. The hall in the clinic has human rooms on the left side and animal rooms on the right.  I pop my head into Dr. Graham's office.

It is possible to refuse to be carried. I was six feet from the edge of a swimming pool, and my friend tried to throw me in. He couldn't get me those six feet. If someone is pulling you away become dead weight. It's very difficult to drag dead weight. If someone is trying to carry you move your body into a shape that is impossible to hold onto. Once an attacker gets you away statistically your chances to live go way down.

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