Chapter Twenty Six

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    I made it to Farmington, and checked into the only motel they had. It was an old drive up motel that had seen better days. It was cheap though. I had to make my money stretch. I unpacked, not wanting to have to dig through my duffle bag all the time. When I dug out my phone I could see that there were a bunch of missed calls, from two different numbers. The first caller was the Alpha. He didn't leave a voice message, but sent a text telling me to call him back.
    I sit on the polyester bed spread, and call him back. He only asks where I've gone because he felt me leave the territory. I tell him, and he informs me that I have a week to be gone before he declares me rouge since he didn't okay my leaving. The whole conversation leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth.
    I think I'm justified being bitter. I left my parents, causing them to lose their farm. I was mistreated by Mason right from the first, and in spite of that I still healed him. They were never thankful, and in the end they all abandoned me without letting me explain. I'm better off without them. I'm better off without Mason. I'll find out where my parents are and help them. They can help me with the babies. Oh, the babies. Four babies. I can't do that on my own. What if I cant find my parents. I'll go back to my old pack. They'll help me. That pack is like family.
    Having made my decision I look at the rest of the calls. The other number belonged to Mason. He called a bunch of times, but didn't leave a message or text. I decide not to bother calling him back. He's probably just going to yell at me more and accuse me of cheating.
    I get ready for bed. It's not that late, only 9 pm, but it's been a rollercoaster day. I pull back the sheet on the bed to see how clean it is. It looks okay. Deciding not to think about it too much, I go to sleep.

    There's a bang on the door. I sit up in bed, pulling my sheet to my chin. This wasn't a polite knock, and it scared me. When I don't answer or say anything, the glass in the window shatters. I run to the bathroom. The window is way too small to fit through so I turn my back to it, and lock the door. I can hear glass crunching under boots. It sounds like more than one person.
    Suddenly I feel a pain in my back, and turn to see a face in the now open window and a hand holding a dart gun. Feeling my back I pull out a tranq dart. My vision starts to darken. I lay down hard on the floor so I don't hit my head, and before I pass out I hear them breaking down the door.

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