Chapter 1

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Artemis' POV

I sighed. I'm in school and I get called down to the office.....again. But I know for a fact I didn't do anything. And I know that no one saw my scars or bruises. I cover up well.

I walk into the principle's office and sit down. The principle had a sad look on his face. Everything was quite for a moment before I spoke up.

"Why am I here?" I asked in a cold voice. I noticed that my social worker, Jennifer was here as well. I knew exactly why I was here.

"Well...there's no easy way to this...Artemis you se-"

"Just spit it out already." I cut him off in cold voice. I was getting frustrated.

"Artemis....your foster parent's car had drugs in them as did their blood stream. They are going to be in jail for a long time." he said in a soft, sad voice. He looked at me expecting me to be sad. I just kept a blank face.

"Welp. Back to orphanage I go. When do I leave?" I asked. I already knew how this worked. I mean, come on. Who wouldn't be used to this after being in 47 foster homes.

"Actually, Tess. We wondering about your real family and after a lot of digging, we found them. We did a DNA test and you match with Stefano Regio-Ivanov." Jennifer said. I usually don't allow anyone to call me by my nicknames but Jennifer is like an older sister to me. I just sat there with a blank face. I didn't know how to react.

I've been in foster care for 13 years since I was 2. They 47 chances to come get me. 47! And now they want me after 13 years.....why? I never did hate my biological parents because I never knew the reason for them abandoning me. But that doesn't mean that I would forgive them with a snap of a finger. I don't hate them, but I don't like them either. They're just...there.

"How long until they get here? I asked.

"They won't be here until tomorrow as they are flying in from Italy." Mr. Denver said. I nodded and left the room. School was basically done with so I decided to make my way to the art room. I did my homework in record time and began sketching my next painting. Did I forget to mention that I'm Cleo, the famous artist and author. I sold my first punting when I was 11 and my first book when I was 12. No one knows except Jennifer because she's my manager. I made enough money to pay for my expenses and a couple of other things like a phone, a bike, and a car. They're all hidden at the gym that I train at. Zane keeps an eye on them. He knows to.

While I sketch, my mind starts flooding with thoughts.

Why did the leave me? What did I do? What did I say? Who are they? Do I have any siblings? Why did they put me through hell? Was it really them? What will they think of me? Was I a burden to them? Will they leave me again?

Anyway, when I finish my sketch I pack up and go to the gym to train and get rid of my thoughts. Zane wasn't here right now. When I finished, I took my car and drive home since my foster parents weren't there. I don't really care about them. They did.....things to me. I park my car and go in the house. I shower, make dinner for myself, and go to bed early. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Stefano's POV (father)

I was sitting in my office with my two oldest sons, Dante and Viktor. We were going over some documents that have to do with our legal business when I get a call.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Is this Stefano Regio-Ivanov?" the voice asked.

"Yes this is he." I say as I put the phone on speaker so my sons can listen in.

"This is Jennifer Ortega. I am a social worker and I'm calling to talk about your daughter." I froze at her words. How dare she talk about my princess. Then she continues. "Her foster parents are in jail for drug dealing and we were hoping you could take her in your care."

"I don't know what you're talking about. My daughter died 13 years ago and if your calling me to rub it in my face, I suggest you hang up before your consequences get worse." I say in a cold voice. Just as I was about to hang up, she stopped me.

"Sir, wait please! Your daughter's name is Artemis Dakota Jordan Dawn. She added the name Jordan herself and Dawn is her current foster parent's last name. We were looking for any living relatives she has and we found you. We did a DNA test and you and her match." I guarantee too. She is your daughter. If you like I can send you the DNA test."

I froze as well as my sons. My wife walked in with a confused face.

"Um sir. Sir are you still there?"

"Ah yes. Yes I'm still here. I would like to see the DNA test and to see her in person I'll come down as soon as possible." I quickly replied.

"Alright sir thank you for your time. I'll email you the test as soon as we hang up."

"Ok. Thank you." I hang up and look at my boys. They both looked shocked.

"What's going on?" My wife asked. I heard a ping and looked at my phone. It was the DNA test. As I looked at the test, tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Emeril, call everyone to the living. I have some very big and important news to tell." I told her. She left the room and I overheard ARIT's voice (their artificial intelligence) telling everyone to come down to the living room. Dante, Viktor, and myself make our way to the living as well.

"Why did you call us here uncle Stefano?" My nephew, Vodim asked.

"I got a phone call a few minutes ago from a social worker. She told me about a girl that is supposedly my daughter." I heard gasps all around the room. "Now before you say anything, she told me her name is Artemis Dakota Jordan Dawn."

"If she really is our princess, where did the names Jordan and Dawn come from?" My brother, Niccolo asked me.

"She added Jordan herself and Dawn is the last name of her current foster parents. And if that isn't enough proof, they did a DNA test and sent it to me."

I hook my phone up to the large TV in the room and put up the picture of the test. Once again, gasps echo throughout the room.

"It's true." Orlando, Emeril's father said in disbelief.

"Emeril, Dante, and I are going to go see her right now although we won't be there until tomorrow. I do t to overwhelm her so only us 3 will be going." I said and everyone nodded. I could see the Aspen and Ashur looking a little upset so I walk over to them.

"I would bring you but I want it to be a surprise when she finds out she has triplets, alright?" I say. They nod. I pack a bag for my wife and I and Dante packs a bag as well. We leave the house and drive towards the runway. We walk into our private jet and that's when everything finally hits me.

"I'm going to see my princess again."

(Anything in quotes that is italicized is what they're thinking btws)

Chapter 1 is done. Woah that rhymes. Tell me what you think. What do you think Artemis' reaction will be to seeing her family again? What will her family's reaction to seeing their princess again? Don't forget to comment and vote bye!

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