Chapter 13

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We pull up to my house but I don't get out the car right away. I stare out the window motionless.


"I know....I'll see you tomorrow Levi and thanks again." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. I get out the car and walk inside the house. I decide to go to the gym to release some steam. I go to my room to put on some workout gear and make my way to the gym. I workout for a good hour before I go to the punching bag.

Once I finish, I go upstairs to start setting up my online classes. I'll be taking online classes for now since I have to train the men, check in with the recruits, and get ready for the mission. The next few months are going to get really busy and I won't have time to go to school. My friends won't be at school either since they have mafia business to do. My online classes will be starting next week.

I take a shower and get into my pajamas before falling into a dreamless sleep.

1 month later

It's been a month and I've been training the men and the the 5 recruits. My father and uncle's men have become much better in fighting and they've become very skilled in advance shooting and knife throwing. My brothers especially. We sometimes have sessions at home away from the other trainees. I'm especially proud of the archers. They've become very skilled in archery. I'd even allowed them to go on a few missions with me but they still have a long way to go before they can be as good as me. I also give my brothers some archery lessons at home as well.

As of right now, I've allowed all the groups to relax for the day and mingle with each in the gym or train if they really want to. They've somehow convinced to show off my archery skills.

So that's what we're doing now. They've set a bunch of moving targets all in different places and I have a blindfold on while holding my bow. My quiver, like always, is hanging from my back. I pull the blindfold down and get ready to start shooting.

"Ready...begin!" my father yells. Ah yes the whole family is here as well.

I hear a target coming from my right. I grab an arrow and shoot. Then from my left and my front. I grab two arrows and separate them as much as I can before I shoot. Then I hear targets coming from all sides . I grab 5 arrows and shoot 4, one in each direction. I hear one more coming from behind so I bend back and shoot. We do this for 10 more rounds, every round getting harder. When I finish, I take off my blindfold and see everyone staring in shock. If they think that's impressive, then they should see me in action.

We chill for the rest of the time before we go home. Before I can get up to my room, Ashur grabs my hand.

"Hey. I know you're probably tired, but if you don't mind, could train me a little?"

I smile and tell him to get his bow, arrows, and quiver while I set up the targets. A few moments later, I've set up all the targets and Ashur has come out. We start training.

(Start the video at 1:17)
(Only the archery scenes)

I smile a genuine smile. I go up to him and give him a hug.

"I'm so proud of you." I say. Out of everyone, Ashur has been working the hardest, trying to be the best at archery. He still has a little ways to go but he's getting there and quickly. He hugs me tighter and we stay like that before I pull away to go take a shower. I get dressed in a light blue summer dress since it's pretty hot today. I put on a light washed jean jacket and brown sandals, leaving my hair down in its natural waves.

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