Chapter 25

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It's been 15 years since me and Levi have been married. We completed all the missions which took 10 years and in the process, we had kids. 6 sons to be exact. We eventually moved back home to Italy. One of the reasons was because grandpa Max and grandpa Orlando both passed away. Their death took a bit of a tole on the family, but we were all able to help each other get back on our feet.

My sons are all very energetic and lively. My oldest sons, Dima and Dario are 15 year old twins. We had them after we completed our first mission which only took a month. Dima started his training to take over the Mafia alongside Andrei's son and Dario started his training to take over Chaos.

Then comes Valdimir who we call Val. He's 14 years old and wants to be Dario's second in command for Chaos. He's very serious most of the time, but I can always find a way to make him smile.

Next is Luciano. He is 12 years old and a total mama's boy. He loves to help cook, clean, shop, and he loves it when I play him the piano and sing. He asks me to teach him everything I know. He also picked up his love for hacking from Levi.

After Luciano comes my last set of twins, Elonzo and Ezra. They're both 6 years old and complete mama's boys. All of my sons are mama's boys, but they absolutely adore their father.

Aspen and Ashur both became assassins after they moved with me and Levi which made the missions go by much faster. All of my friends got married to their high school sweethearts. None of my brothers are married though. Lorenzo had a one night stand with some girl. She found out she was pregnant but she didn't want the baby. Lorenzo wasn't just going to let his baby fend for himself, so he took him in.

After he took him, I promised to help him take care of his baby. He moved to Canada too. I cared for his baby boy as if he was my own child. His name is Aiden. I breast fed him, changed his diapers, and basically became his mother. He sometimes calls me mama instead of zia. He is now a beautiful 7 year old.

Viktor had a fiancé who was pregnant with his child but he found out she was cheating on him. Leandre had a similar problem with his fiancé but instead of cheating, he found her stealing money from us. They both have kids as well. Viktor has 2 boys, Cole who is now 10 and Daniel who is 11. Leandre also has 3 boys. Alexander and Andrew are twins and are both 9, and Dylan who is 12. They both moved to Canada so I could help them with their kids, but they moved back to Italy when their kids were old enough.

Some of my cousins got married and had kids as well. Some of them had the same situations as my my brothers, so I became a mother figure to their kids as well. However, the cousins who did get married are very happy. Me and their wives are best friends even though some of us have a big age difference. Our family is happy and complete.

Right now, we're all around the house we moved into about 3 years ago. Because our family has grown tremendously, we had to move into a much bigger house. It's absolutely gorgeous and big enough for everyone to have their own rooms. All of the twins share a room though.

I'm in the living with Valdimir and Luciano. Dario is training with Cora to take over Chaos, Dima is training Dante, Andrei, and Andrei's son to take over the mafia, and Elonzo and Ezra are sleeping. Valdimir is leaning into my side as we sit in the floor of the living room and Luciano is between legs laying on my chest as I play with both of their hair. Everything is as it should.

Then, all of a sudden, the alarm starts blaring. Valdimir and Luciano jump awake. I tell them to go get their cousins. Some of them playing in the playroom. The older ones know what the alarms means and what to do, but the younger ones still don't. I rush upstairs to get Elonzo and Ezra out of their beds.

As soon as I open the door, they run into my legs. I pick both of them up and head to the safe room on the second floor. When I get there, I see my sisters-in-law with their sons and Valdimir and Luciano with their youngest cousins. I put Ezra and Elonzo down before closing the door and running to me and Levi's room.

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