Chapter 17

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It's been a month since Levi and I have been in Spain. We've gathered a lot of information from the spies. We sort out all the information we need and send it back to my father and uncle. While we send the data back, they formulate a plan. They sometimes ask us for help and always tell us what the plan includes. The fake sword I made and put in the vault still has Fernando fooled. I also took a prized possession from the other two mafia dons. We only have a little bit of information to gather before we can put the plan in action.

I'm currently snooping around Fernando's base dressed as Shadow Hunter. I'm helping one of my spies get the last piece of information we need which is in Fernando's office. The cameras can't be disabled from the outside, so I need to be inside his hideout. I make my way to the control room and lock the door. I turn on the computer and turn off the cameras in and around Fernando's office.

"All cameras in and around the target are down. You only 3 minutes to get what we need and get out of there before an alarm sounds. Good luck Kacey."

I know what your thinking. Why can't I just disable the alarm? Well, once the alarm is trigger, lasers will appear, and not lasers you can pass either. These lasers will be very close together. Any kind of movement, and you'll touch it. I know this because my spies have heard the guards talking about it.

3 minutes later, Kacey runs out of the office and not a moment too late. As soon as she took 3 steps away from the office, red lasers lit up the room. Kacey made her way to the rendezvous point while I stayed in the control room to put the cameras back on and disable the lasers which took longer than I would've liked. I walk I out of the control and to the rendezvous point.

"Here you go boss. Everything you need should be in these files." she said and handed me the files.

"Thank you Kacey. Tell the others that they can start packing up some of their stuff." I said back and we parted ways. I get on my bike that was, once again, hidden and drive to the house. When I get there, I walk to the computer room where Levi is and we start sorting out all the info. 3 hours later we have sorted everything out and sent it back home. Me and Levi are now in bed after showering and having some food in our systems.

"This mission went better than I expected." I say as I wrap my arms around his torso. He's only wearing sweatpants while I'm wearing a silk pajama set. His glasses are off and he's looking pretty damn sexy if I do say so myself.

"Did you ever doubt yourself? Every time you plan something, you always make sure it's perfect. You prepare for every outcome, every result, and every possibility. Every plan you ever make is flawless. That's why everyone trusts you so much. They know you, and they know that you would never let them get hurt. They trust you to lead them. You're amazing Artemis. Don't ever forget that." he says in response while wrapping his arms around me. I breathe in his set and close my eyes.

"Thank you for always being there for me Levi."

He kisses my head and we let the darkness consume us.


"I transferred all the info from our computers into this pen drive and then deleted all the data. I'll put it in my laptop on the plane." I say to Levi as he finishes packing up the rest of his stuff. We're leaving today since we have everything we need. All we need to do is go over the plan, make sure everything is well thought out, and take action. After we make sure we have everything, we get in the car and make our way to the airport.

We get to the airport which barely has anyone here since it's 1:30 am. We have to be at headquarter early to make sure we're ready for an attack. My spies have placed tiny cameras and mics all around the hideout and in their cars so we know what they're planning at all times. Fernando is going to be holding a masquerade ball before he puts his plans in action. That's when we'll strike.The ball is going to be held 2 days from now. I'll be dressed as The Siren and Cronus will be by my side (Ares and Hades are only known as Shadow Hunter's wolves).

We finish going through security and get on the plane back to Italy. A few minutes after the plane takes off, I take out my laptop and start putting all of the data in it. I also text Lucca to make sure he's ready to pick us up when we land. Once that's finished, I turn off my laptop and put it away to get some sleep.


"I take it the mission went well."

"Even better."

We're in the car with Lucca and he asks us about the mission. We tell him the details and how it went, it went amazing by the way. We keep talking about the mission and the plan until we roll up to the house. The guards get our suitcases from the trunk and go to put them in my room while we go to my father's office. Everyone was able to go back to their own houses a few days ago. Lucca knocks on the door and we hear a deep come in.

"Oh yea. That reminds me. We didn't really tell anyone other than Lucca that we were coming back. Hehehe. Oh well."

We walk inside and when my dad looks up, his eyes widen and he jumps out of his seat to come hug me. I mean, you can't really blame the guy. He hasn't seen me for a month. That may not seem like long, but when your daughter was missing for 13 years, you get her back just for her to go into enemy territory, not to mention she was in reach of the person who tried to kill her, you get a little freaked out.......

Ok you get a lot freaked out.

I hug him back just as tight with my head under his chin. He kisses my head and we stay like that for a moment before we let go and sit down. We start discussing the mission and the plans.

"The mission went very well. My spies were able to get everything we needed. I'm not going to call them back yet because some of them are going to be undercover as waiters, cooks, guards, etc." I say before my father speaks up.

"Good good. We can also replace some of their guards with ours. All we have to do is cover up their tattoos. Some of the people who won't be going undercover as waiters and cooks can sneak out and attend the ball as important people."

"And we can have people in the control room as well to dim the lights. They can also take down the cameras. Besides, we all know how much The Siren loves a dramatic entrance." I cut in.

Let me give you the details of the plan. The spies will be undercover as cooks, waiters and guards as my father said. The maids and strippers will sneak out, go to our headquarters in the woods, and get dressed. They will be attending the ball as important people. As for me, I'll also be attending as an important person with my triplets and all sets of twins. The lights will dim and I'll walk up on the stage with all the twins and my triplets. Cronus will be by my side along with my brothers and cousins. Fernando, Jiro, and Jin-hu's guards will put up their weapons which will cause the people undercover to put theirs up as well which will be pointed at not only the guards but the mafia leaders as well. There will most likely be a sniper so we've set up our own sniper as well. The rest of my brothers and cousins will jump in through the windows with some of their guards along with Lucas and Felix, Willam and Bruno's sons. My father, uncle Ivan, William, and Bruno will walk in because they're all just as dramatic as me. One of the guards will bring my laptop to me and I'll take Fernando's mafia down. Felix will have the honor of taking down the Korean Mafia and Lucas will take down the Japanese Mafia.

With everything planned out, I get up and go to find my brothers and cousins. I go to the kitchen first to hug my mother, aunts, uncles, and grandpas. I hear sounds coming from the game room and walk towards it. I see almost all of them except my triplets and hug them.

"They're in your room." Leandre informs me. I nod and speed walk to my room. I walk in and see them laying on my bed playing on their phones. Ashur takes a pillow and throws it at me.

"A pillow, really?" I say as I dodge it. Aspen gets up and walks over to hug me while chuckling. Ashur rubs the back of his head while nervously laughing. I shake my head as he comes over to us and we have a group hug.

I never thought I'd miss them this much during the month I was gone. We walk to the living room to watch a movie. I see Levi sitting on the couch on his phone. He looks up as I walk in and sit next to him as Ashur sits next me and Aspen sits between my legs.

I couldn't ask for a better family.

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