Louis' Birthday Part One

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When Louis woke up, the last thing he expected was to see Niall, casually sitting at the foot of Louis' bed, with a paper plate, eating a fluffy, chocolate chip waffle.

"Look who's finally awake," Niall said, putting his plate on the ground, wiping his chocolate-smeared mouth with his sleeve, before saying, "the other lads are downstairs. We're all hanging out today, 'cause even though you said, before Christmas Break that you liked having small birthdays where you throw snowballs at your sisters and get away with it, we took it upon ourselves to annoy the hell out of you this year. Partially 'cause it's fun, also 'cause we have nothing better to do. Totally has nothing to do with your birthday."

"Okay," Louis said.

The doorbell rang, and Louis raised his eyebrows, "Who's that?"

Niall shrugged, "Probably Eleanor, Lauren and Perrie. The three said they were carpooling 'cause apparently they live near each other."

Louis nodded, "Okay. Well, I'll go get ready," he nodded towards his bathroom, "and then I'll join all of you downstairs."

"Sure," Niall said, before picking up his plate, stabbing his waffle with his fork, taking a bite, and then walking out of Louis' room. 

Louis chuckled- Niall always amused him, especially with his never-ending love for food. Louis often wondered if Niall had ever been full.

Louis brushed his teeth, quickly running a comb through his hair- Harry said he looked cute when he had a bedhead, but Louis didn't want to look cute, he wanted to look hot- and pulled on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, before grabbing his phone, shoving said phone in his pocket, and racing down the stairs, so fast he nearly tripped, and scared the shit out of his mum, who was standing by the stairs.

"Good morning, Mum," Louis said.

Johannah blinked a few times, frowning, before shrugging. "Good morning, Louis. Happy birthday."

"Thanks, Mum," Louis said, before heading into the kitchen, where he found all of his friends, standing and eating. 

"Okay, Tomlinson," Lauren said, "here's what we're doing. We're eating, then we're playing games. After that we'll have a snowball fight outside, order Nando's around lunchtime or something."

"After lunch," Zayn continued, "we're having a movie marathon, and finally, for dinner, we'll order pizza, and by the end of the day-"

"All I know at the end of the day, 

is you want what you want and you say what you say

and you follow your heart even thought it'll break

Sometimes," belted Perrie, who then blushed when everyone looked at her. "It's a good song."

"Why, thank you, Perrie," Louis said, as he'd written it for Music last year, a class he'd shared with Perrie.

"Anyways, by that time," Zayn continued, rolling his eyes, "you'll be so sick and tired of us, so annoyed at us, that you'll kick us all out of your house, so we can all go back to our houses, scroll on Instagram all night long-"

"And Tumblr!" Lauren added.

"And Tumblr," Zayn nodded, "and we can-"

"I also need to keep my SnapChat streak up, actually," Eleanor cut in.

Zayn sighed, before saying, "We'll go back to scrolling on social media and playing video games, wasting away our lives, basically, until the next day, when we come knocking at your door, dragging you outside to beat your ass at snowball fighting. Anyone wanna add anything?" he looked around, and nodded towards Perrie when she raised her hand.

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