From the Bottom of the Stairs

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Louis buried his face in his boyfriend's chest, sighing contently. Harry always managed to smell absolutely amazing, like that Irish Spring soap he used. Despite being awake, he kept his eyes closed, relaxed and at ease. He loved when it was just him and his boyfriend, because while he loved his friends, it was nice to just be with Harry, cuddling under the blankets. Louis yawned softly, before sitting up The, "Harry, are you awake, love?"

Harry turned to the other side, "5 more minutes, Mum," he mumbled under his breath.

Louis chuckled softly before carefully getting out from under the covers, humming '18' by Ed Sheeran under his breath, walking quietly to the bathroom to brush his teeth, making sure not to disturb Harry.

Louis walked out of the bathroom to see a dazed Harry sitting up, rubbing his eyes lazily with his hands and yawning, stretching his back. Louis smiled softly- Harry in the morning, all sleepy and tired, was one of the cutest things he'd ever seen.

"Good morning, Hazza," Louis said, leaning forward and pecking his boyfriend's lips softly.

"Morning Lou," Harry said, returning the kiss, before taking a sip of water from the Poland Spring bottle on the nightstand next to his bed. "You wanna go somewhere for breakfast? It's Saturday, so I don't have work."

"Sure, where do you wanna go?"

"Emmm, how about Wellington re Rug is

"Yes, definitely," Louis nodded, "I love that place!"

The two boys got ready, before sitting in Louis's car (he'd driven to Harry's house for the sleepover) and Harry sat in the passenger seat with his phone opened to Spotify.

"Can I put on some music?"

"Go for if, love," Louis responded. While he and Harry didn't have the exact same taste in music, the older boy had to admit that Harry had a great taste in music. When a song he didn't recognize came on, Louis turned to Harry, asking, "What's this song?"

"'Over Again' by Ed Sheeran," Harry responded, and when Louis nodded, Harry laughed before telling him to turn back to the road so he wouldn't get them in a car accident.

Louis grinned as he heard Harry join in on the chorus of the song, and when Harry sang the verse after it (it was his favorite part of the song) Louis was shocked; that was probably the fastest he'd ever heard Harry talk, let alone sing.

"We're here," Louis said, getting his boyfriend's attention, as the younger boy had been jamming out to Ed Sheeran and Coldplay, and hadn't seemed to notice.

"Oh, okay," Harry said, and he paused the music on his phone, disconnecting it from the car's speakers. Both boys got out of the car and walked into the diner.

"Can we have a table for two?" Louis asked the hostess.

"Sure," the hostess answered, gathering two menus and leading them over to a booth next to a nice big window, flooding the diner in natural light.

The boys sat down, and opened up the menus. Louis sighed looking through all the different breakfast foods, and frowned when he saw one.

"I will never understand the hype around this," he said, and Harry looked up at him with a question in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Fucking avocados."

"What's wrong with avocados?" Harry asked. "They're great, you can make guacamole, make yourself a little avocado toast."

"Trendiest food on the planet," Louis responded, "Ya know, I'd have expected Payno to eat avocado toast, didn't know he'd roped you into his evil ways, Curly."

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