Larry Stylinson

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"Welcome, welcome, thank you guys so much for coming. I hear the schedule's going to be packed soon, after you wow us all with what I hear is going to be an amazing season," Jimmy Fallon said as Louis followed his boyfriend onto the stage at The Tonight Show.

"Thank you so much for having us," Louis said as he sat down on the couch in next to Harry. "It's truly an honor. I used to watch this show- I guarantee I've memorized all the episodes that feature Backstreet Boys."

Jimmy laughed, and both boys laughed politely with him.

"So, are you allowed to give us any spoilers about season one? Obviously we know what the show's about, but the pilot episode was quite interesting and I know a lot of people- including myself- can't wait for the full season."

"Erm," Harry mumbled, obviously deep in thought. They'd been told by their managers and producers what they were and weren't allowed to disclose at interviews. They'd also been told how to act, how to speak, even how to sit down. And specifically to not show anything more than friendly affection for one another, because the shitty contract they'd signed in a hurry had ended up having some kind of closeting guidelines attached. They'd been told that after the show really picked up, they might be able to be open and out, but there was no guarantee. "Obviously the channel we have in the show is going to blow up- I think most of you know that by now- but other than that I don't exactly remember what we're allowed to tell you guys. Um... if anything, several other leads are present throughout the season, and really throughout the show, but you'll get to meet them and learn more about them after the first season's released."

"Oooh, that sounds interesting. Are there any plans for after the season is dropped?" the host asked.

"There are," Louis said, "but I'm afraid we can't tell them just yet. You'll find out soon, though. Promise."

"Alright then, now, fans from all over the world have sent in some questions for you boys, so if it's okay, I'll ask you."

"Yeah, sure," Louis said, glancing as discretely as he could at his boyfriend, and then back at Jimmy Fallon.

"First question, from Sophia in Canada."

"Hi Sophia," Louis and Harry said, grinning at the camera. They'd been told to positively interact with fans as much as possible to boost their popularity.

"She wants to know what you boys look for in a girl."

Louis chuckled, before Harry said, "I mean, someone with... I think someone with a nice smile and, em, someone who you can kind of just admire what they're like."

"And you, Louis?"

Louis thought for a bit, before saying, "I like girls who... eat carrots." The audience erupted in laughter, Louis laughing with them.

"Okay then," Jimmy said, before asking another question. "Madison from France wants to know if there's going to be some merch released."

"There will be, but you have to be patient," Louis said, Harry nodding.

"Next question... oh, I wonder what this means. Lauren J from the UK wants to know if Larry Stylinson is real?"

Louis blinked a few times, and glanced over at Harry who seemed just as confused. "Lauren J, you said? UK?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Jimmy Fallon responded.

Louis laughed, "Of course she sent in a question. That's one of our best friends. And no, Lauren. Larry isn't real, you should know that. We haven't been friends since primary school for no reason." It physically hurt Louis to brush off the question, act as if the idea of him and Harry dating was ridiculous, but he also knew that he could get into serious trouble if he told the truth.

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