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Louis had been over to Harry's house countless times, and figured he might as well invite the curly-haired lad over. The blue-eyed boy had been hesitant because of how wealthy his family was. He didn't want Harry to see him as the rich kid or the kid who got everything he wanted. Because while he did get a number of things he wanted, Louis wasn't spoiled. He still worked hard and paid for his sweatshirts and posters and things- the only thing his parents really paid for were his phone bills and his needs, like school supplies and clothing. Even on Christmas, they wouldn't get him super expensive things, because while they were pretty wealthy, they also had a large family. 

The doorbell rang and Louis ran to get it, inviting the boy in. It was a Saturday- one of the rare ones where Louis didn't have a game- and Harry was sleeping over as well. And however much he dreaded it, Harry was also meeting his parents. When Louis's parents had heard that he was having a sleepover with a friend while they were home- they weren't home much because of work- they insisted on having Harry and Louis eat dinner with the rest of the family. It's almost like a boyfriend meets family sort-of thing, Louis had thought, smiling. Then he'd remembered how homophobic his family was, and the fact that they'd most likely embarrass him. Nope, never mind, he'd thought afterwards. Plus, Harry's not even my boyfriend. Nick is. Well, he isn't really either, 'cause he doesn't even know I exist, but whatever.

"Nice place, mate," Harry said, glancing around the foyer. "That's one big chandelier."

Louis nodded uncomfortably, "Yeah. Do you wanna go up to my room?"

Harry nodded, "Sure. Gotta put this away anyways," he gestured to his backpack, in which Louis assumed were pajamas and a fresh set of clothes, along with the boy's toiletries. 

Louis nodded, and gestured to the staircase, "After you."

Harry laughed, "What a gentleman."

"I try," Louis said, following the boy up the steps. "I really do."

"So, where's your room?" Harry asked when they reached the top of the staircase, glancing down both sides of the hallway. (The staircase cut into the middle of one long hallway, dividing it into two equally long sections. 

"Mine's on the left section of the hallway," Louis said, leading his friend. They entered Louis's room, and Harry put down his backpack. "So, what do you want to do first? We can watch something on the telly, play games..." he trailed off.

Harry thought for a moment, "Do you have a karaoke machine?"

"I do," Louis said. "Why?"

"I think we should sing some karaoke," Harry said. "You have an amazing voice, and I want to hear you sing more. And I enjoy singing, so it's a win-win."

Louis shrugged, the boy was insecure about his voice. He had been pushed around in primary school because of it. But Harry said he had a nice voice... "Sure. You have a nice voice too, by the way."

"Thanks," Harry said, and Louis quickly found the karaoke machine, and the boys started singing.

"Whoa, you're really good, Harry," Louis said, in awe after the curly-haired lad's cover of 'Isn't She Lovely' by Stevie Wonder. "At least when you're one of the world's biggest singers, I'll be watching the telly and say, Hey! That's my bo-friend."Louis blinked, hoping Harry hadn't heard what he'd been about to say. 

Harry laughed, "Thanks, mate. Though I doubt I'd ever make it. It's so hard to get in the industry."

Louis nodded, "I'm sure you can do it though. Anyways, it's my turn now. I know exactly what I want to sing."

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