Chapter 12: Sick

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HEY Y'ALL AWESOME CATS AND KITTENS HOW ARE YOU?! I'm back bitches so I'm going to be writing a few of Christmas things after this chapter. So, without further adew(?) Let's get right into it!

Aizawa's POV

I sighed in frustration as I brushed Shoto's sweaty bangs out of his face. I was currently watching whatever was on the tv with Hizashi. Shoto was laying down with his head on my lap, quietly snoring as he was asleep.

"Can't trust those kids for one second," I growled.

Hizashi frowned. "Come on Shota, they couldn't have known. They love Shoto, they didn't do it on purpose."

"It doesn't matter, Hizashi!" I yelled. "They should've seen how uncomfortable he was and asked what was wrong! Not to mention that the problem child knew about his past! I can't trust them anymore!"

"Don't be so harsh on them. They didn't know," Hizashi said softly, trying to calm me down. Let's just say it wasn't working. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT THEY DIDN'T KNOW, IF THEY'RE GOING TO BE PRO HEROES,THEY HAVE TO BE MORE OBSERVANT!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eri in the doorway, shaking slightly. I sighed and kissed my husband on the cheek. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about him... Eri, c'mere." Eri slowly walked over to me, and I engulfed her in a huge hug.

"I'm sorry, Eri. I was just upset because I was worried for Sho." Eri nodded and smiled a little. Hitoshi came down the hallway and asked, "Is everything alright? I heard yelling."

"Yeah, it's fine," Hizashi assured him with a smile. "We're all okay now." My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing. I looked at it with confusion. Problem child texted me?

Problem child 😒: Hello Aizawa-sensei, how are you today? I wanted to apologize for what happened to Todoroki... Everyone feels guilty and all but I feel like I am to blame. I knew about his past and yet I didn't pay attention to what he was feeling and I didn't take his feelings into account. If you'd trust me again, I assure you that I will never let him feel that way again. Again, I am sorry.

I- wow. I didn't expect that... But I do appreciate it.

Me: thank you, Midoriya. This is very mature of you, and I forgive you. But it's not up to me, it's up to Shoto. So I'll tell him to text you when he gets up.

Problem child 😒: okay. Thank you Aizawa-sensei!

I turned off my phone and turned my attention back to the tv. I don't even care that my little pony is on. I just want to relax for right now. Hizashi mentioned to me that he was going to the store and went out to the car.

I heard a cough from underneath me and looked down. Shoto's face was red and his bangs stuck to his forehead. He let out a whimper and then I realized that he was crying. "Sho, why are you crying?"

"I had a n-nightmare," he choked out a sob as more tears ran down his face. "And e-everything hurts." His body was shaking. I hugged him. "I'm sorry, I can't do much right now. You'll just have to keep taking your medicine and see where you go from there."

"O-oh, I forgot to t-tell you, b-but my quirk ma-makes my f-fevers worse." It was so painful to hear him talk. He was exhausted and upset, not to mention he was feeling horrible.

"It'll be okay, Sho. You'll get through this, I promise." This helped calm him down a little bit. "May I ask what your nightmare was about? It's okay if you don't want to tell me." "I-It was about Endeavor... Whenever I got sick, he would just train me harder. H-He would n-never give me a break, even if I h-had a fever-r like th-this. That's what m-my nightmare w-was about."

My blood was boiling. I was pissed. How could someone do that to a child?! I'd asked myself this a million times before, and yet I could never find an answer.

I hugged him again and whispered encouraging things to my son until he fell asleep.

I'm hoping he doesn't have another nightmare. Endeavour always seemed to be on that boy's mind. He used to have nightmares every night the first few months he was here. Then, we helped him, and he hadn't had a nightmare for over a month. And now Endeavor got in his head and he's relapsing... God, I hope he doesn't go back to cutting...
HELLO! Hope y'all are doing good, I'm planning on writing Christmas themed filler chapters that aren't related to the story at all, so I might release one later, but I'm kinda tired, so I might not... But expect those in the remaining month of this bitch of a year 2020. If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a star before you go! I love you all so much, and I'll see you on the next one! Byeeeeeeee! ❤️

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