Chapter 5: Unknown Caller

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Sorry I haven't updated... I've felt like shit and I wanted to die... so... THAT'S GREAT!!! Anyway, this is now gonna be more around Shoto, just for maybe a few chapters to see what he's thinking about and stuff... without further adew, here's chapter 5.


10 years later

Shoto's POV

A lot has happened it this past month. I told Dad- I mean, Mr. Aizawa what was going on at home, I almost died, my father went to jail, Aizawa-sensei and Yamada-sensei took me in until the court date, my father was sentenced to 29 years in prison with no parol, and Aizawa and Yamada adopted me.

So. You're all caught up now. I have two dads. Monoma won't leave me the hell alone. My classmates were all so supportive through the whole thing, and I couldn't have asked for better classm- friends.

(7:00 A.M.)

3rd person POV

Aizawa quietly knocked on Shoto's door. "Alright kid. Time to get up. Come on. Or we'll be late." Aizawa sighed when the only response he got was Shoto pulling the covers over his head.

Hizashi (Present Mic) walked up behind Aizawa and yelled, "Hellooooooooooo everybodyyyyyyyy!!!" Aizawa lightly smacked him and said, "What did I say about yelling in the morning?" 

Hizashi's face turned red and he muttered an "oh yeah." He walked into the room and shook Shoto a little. "Alright champ, ready to blow this popsicle stand and get to school?"

Shoto sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Why did you get me up so early?" he asked groggily. "We have a meeting in 30 minutes. Hurry up and get changed, we'll be eating breakfast," Aizawa said, grabbing the back of Hizashi's collar and pulling him out of the room.

Shoto laughed softly and got up. He suddenly felt a wave of sadness crash over him. Today, ten years ago, was the day Touya... ran away. Shoto's shoulders slumped and he sighed. He didn't remember much of Touya. He only remembered the little moments. The thing that saddened Shoto the most though, was that he couldn't remember what Touya looked like when he left. The only thing he remembered from that night was his older brother giving him Mochi.

Mochi was ten years old now, and Shoto was starting to worry about her. She wasn't eating as much as she used to, and she had a hobble to her walk now.

Shoto got dressed in his uniform and parted his hair so that the red strands were on the left side and the white strands were on the right. 

His phone buzzed. Shoto picked it up and smiled. It was Midoriya!

M: Hey Todoroki! You feeling alright?

T: Yes I'm ok now, Midoriya, thank you for asking.

M: Np! see you at school! <3

M: Crap! Sorry sorry! I didn't meant to send that, sorry Todoroki! See you at school!

Midoriya is offline

Shoto was blushing as red as a tomato. Did Midoriya... like him? No, No! Shoto mentally slapped himself. Midoriya said it was an accident. And he's not gay.

He packed his bag and went to the kitchen/dining room to get some breakfast. "Yoooooooooo! Shoto, how are you today?" Hizashi asked loudly getting a tired glare from Aizawa. Shoto sat down. "Okay," he answered. He silently waited for his food.

Aizawa's POV

Shoto sat down with a sad look on his face, his eyes downcast. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him. "What's wrong, do you feel sick?" Shoto shook his head no. Hizashi came over and added, "Did you get hurt in training or something?"

"I appreciate your concern, but... no. I just feel a little sad." I was worried. "Because of the situation your in, or... are you not happy with us?" Shoto quickly stood from his chair and said, "No! It's not because of you!" A moment of silence fell over us. "Shoto, why are you sad?" "U-Um... I don't know if you watched the news ten years ago about a Touya Todoroki?"

I nodded. "I remember. He went missing, right?" Shoto sighed sadly. "He was my brother. He left us ten years ago today." Hizashi and I both rushed over to hug our son. I hated seeing him like this...

Shoto's POV

And right on cue, my phone rang, ruining the moment. I looked at the screen to see an unknown caller ID. I answered it and a raspy voice on the other end of the line said, "I'm glad you got away from that bastard. I hope to see you soon, Shoto Todoroki." "Who is this?" I asked, confused.

"That's not important," the person said quickly. "What matters is that you stay away from Endeavor forever." I didn't know what to say, so I just said honestly, "I wasn't planning on seeing him anyway."

"Good," the person answered before saying, "Bye, Sho. I'll be keeping an eye on you." hen the mysterious caller hung up on him before he had the chance to say anything else.

Shoto put his phone back in his pocket, speechless. Who was that on the phone? And why did the voice sound slightly familiar?

Dabi's POV

I hung up on Shoto before he could ask any more questions. "Dabi! Who was that on the phone?" Shigaraki demanded. "Just someone very important to me..."


YAY I'M DOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!! That was a lot  even tho it was only like 860 words. It FELT like a lot! Anyway, if you liked this chapter, make sure to leave a star before u go, and feel free to follow me, but u don't really have to, it's up to you. I love you all so much! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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