Chapter 4: I Can't Stay

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Sorry I haven't updated in a hot second... Whatever it's fine 😊
(This is when Shoto is 5 but doesn't have his scar yet)

Touya couldn't take it anymore. That fiery bastard was abusing his family and there was nothing he could do about it.

Endeavor had friends everywhere. So when Touya tried to tell the police, they didn't believe him. When he told the doctors, Endeavor told them he was just ill. Heck, he even told his principal. But again, that was a no go.

But worst of all... Shoto was getting beaten by their father every single day. Endeavor expected a five year old to stand a chance in hand to hand combat. Endeavor hit Shoto whenever he cried. Endeavor told Shoto not to speak unless spoken to. Endeavor was taking everything it means to be a human away from Shoto, and Touya had enough.

It was 5 in the morning and Endeavor had already gotten Shoto up to train him. Shoto's screams woke everyone else up as usual. But this time, Touya decided to watch what Endeavor was doing to Shoto.

Touya quietly rushed to the training room, peeking behind the open door. "No! Please stop!" Shoto begged. "Get up!" Endeavor yelled. Shoto tried, but his legs failed him. Endeavor held up a flaming hand. "Guess I have to make you get up," he growled.

Touya's blood boiled. He was not going to sit around while his little brother was in pain and about to be burned. "Stop!" he yelled, flinging himself in front of Shoto.

Endeavor's hand met Touya's arm. Touya tried to throw his own fire at Endeavor, but he didn't have control and he burned himself! He heard screams behind him. Endeavor stepped toward Touya again, but Shoto stopped him, encasing him with ice.

Of course Endeavor melted it immediately, but Shoto shouted, "Don't you dare touch Touya ever again!" He made an ice ball and threw it at Endeavor's head, knocking him out. Oh, sorry. It was more of an ice chunk, not a ball. Then Shoto froze him to the wall.

Shoto then turned around to Touya and put out his fire. Touya was covered in burns. Red burns. Everywhere. His chin, his neck, his arms, hands, and under his eyes.

Shoto started to cry. "Mom! Fuyumi! Natsuo! Anyone, help! Touya's hurt!" Fuyumi ran in and gasped. "I'll call an ambulance!"

(Time skip to the hospital)

Touya woke up in a hospital bed. There was a mirror on his left, so he looked and saw he had stitches around every one of his burns. They were purple now. Purple burns, all over his body. The doctor was no where to be seen and the room was empty.

Touya threw the blanket off himself and opened the window. Realizing he had no actual clothes on, he grabbed some black clothes that were left there and changed out of his hospital gown. Touya jumped out the window. Luckily, his room was on the first floor, so it wasn't that hard to escape.

(30 mins later)

It was 11 pm, and Touya went home and packed a backpack. He couldn't stay. He had to leave.

How do I give Shoto my gift? Do I just leave it on his bed? It might run away, Touya thought. As soon as he walked out the front door, prepared to leave his old life behind, a small voice asked, "Where are you going?" Touya whipped around to see Shoto standing there.

Touya knelt down so he was at Shoto's height and sighed. "Sho, I... I'm leaving, okay?" Shoto started to cry. Touya hugged him and said, "Shh. It'll be okay." Shoto sniffled and asked, "Can I come with you?"

Touya pulled back and put his hands on Shoto's shoulders. "No, Sho. You have to stay here and do what I can't. Protect our family." Shoto wiped his tears and nodded. "I'm gonna miss you..."

"Well, here's a gift to remember me by," Touya said, handing Shoto a white kitten with green eyes. (Might seem a bit random, but cats and dogs usually help with PTSD and other mental illnesses. Not that Shoto has PTSD rn, but Touya thinks he might in the future)

Shoto hugged the kitten and asked, "What's her name?" Touya ran his fingers through his brother's red and white hair. "Her name is Mochi." (It's the icecream with the yummy dough around it)

And with that, Touya grabbed his backpack and said, "Bye Shoto. And don't worry. I'll always watch over you." "How can you do that if you're leaving?" Shoto asked. "I just... will. And I'll be back someday." I'll get my revenge.

Then, Touya left the Todoroki household forever, never wanting to be in the same house as Endeavor ever again.

One day, old man, Touya thought. I'm going to get my revenge on you for what you did to this family. I'm gonna make you pay for hurting us...

Oh jeez! Sorry I haven't updated! Idk why I didn't, I think I just lost track of the days. Quarantine vibes, am I right? God, I'm so dumb... Anyway! Thanks to anyone who stuck around so far, to read this awful story. And I am so sorry for making everyone cry so much! I'M SORRY! IT'S WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! If you liked this chapter, make sure to leave a star before you go. Love you guys! Byeeeeeeee!!! ❤❤❤

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