Chapter 11: Mistakes are made

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Hey y'all cool cats and kittens how are ya? I'm feeling good right now, so I thought I'd update! I feel really bad for not updating for like a month, I hope you can forgive me! Also I'd like to thank _Ella_meh_ and Brooklyn_Memory for the suggestions! Thank you guys so much!

Aizawa's POV

I remember mentioning Shinsou last time. You know, my #1000 child in class 1B? Well I adopted him the other day. His parents got caught stealing and went to prison. (I HAVEN'T READ THE MANGA SO I'M SORRY IF THIS IS COMPLETELY INACCURATE FRICK-) And Eri is living with us all the time now. I'm so happy to tell you that Minoru Mineta has been expelled from UA. Not to go into too much detail, he was bodyshaming some girls from another class. That was the final straw.

But aside from that, this month has been great. Since Mineta is gone, Shinsou got moved up. I think that was a good choice on Principal Nezu's part, not only for Shinsou, but for Shoto. Shinsou, Eri, and Shoto are as close as siblings. IT'S ADORABLE!

Now Shoto's smiling a lot more, he's interacting with people better, and he has no problem at all telling me his problems. I'm so proud of him. It's nice to see that we have had a positive impact on Shoto's life. I'm a proud dad.

I walked into the living room to see my kids having a pillow fight and tackling each other. I leaned in the doorway chuckling. Hizashi came up behind me and hugged me. "They're so cute," he whispered. Eri spotted us first and ran over for hugs. I picked her up and said, "There's my girl! You having fun?" She nodded and I set her down.

"Ah! Eri! Come back here!" "Sho you can't chase me that's against the rules!" Loud laughter echoed through our house. Not to ruin the moment, but... "Shoto can I talk to you a second?" He smiled at me and nodded.

Once we were out in the hallway, I said, "Did you get your homework done?" He nodded. "Did you feed Mochi?" Mochi answered for him, meowing loudly. It suddenly attacked my leg. "AH! FEED THE DAMN CAT!" I yelled trying to pry it off me. "Sorry dad!" Shoto said and put some food in Mochi's bowl. She detached herself from my leg and ran to her food bowl.

"Cats these days..." I grumbled.

The next day

That night, Hizashi and I were suddenly called in for hero work. I couldn't stop worrying that something would happen to the kids, so we took the kids to the Class 1A dorms for until we got back.

No one's POV

"We'll be back later, okay?" Hizashi told them. "Okay." They left for hero work leaving the 3 kids in the care of... 18 other kids.

All the girls flocked around Eri, picked her up, and brought her to God knows where. Shinsou went to hang out with the Emo Squad. And Todoroki decided to catch up with the rest of 1A. They occupied the couches in the lounge area and started talking.

"Anyone want tea?" Momo asked.

Todoroki's POV

No. Not tea. Please no one say- "Sure!" "Sounds great!" "I'll have some!" Dammit... I'm scared. I watched warily as Momo put the wretched tea kettle on the stove and turned it on high. I felt my shoulders tense and my throat tighten. I saw Shinsou come in and sit down to join the conversation. Please help me...

Shinsou's POV

What's going on with Shoto? I then heard the tea kettle sing from the stove. Shoto started trembling. What is happe- oh no. Momo grabbed the kettle and brought it to the coffee table with some tea bags and cups.

Before I knew what was happening, Shoto's breathing quickened and he ran out of the room to his dorm. "Sho!" I yelled after him and ran upstairs. I found him in a closet in his room huddled in a ball, crying and shaking.

"Shh... You're okay... It's okay..." I whispered quietly to him and hugged him. Eri came in a few minutes later and sat on the other side of Shoto hugging him as well. I heard Shoto groan. I looked at him and saw he was sweating. I felt his forehead with the back of my hand. I retracted my hand almost immediately. It was burning! I do remember him saying that his quirk enhances his fevers.

We stayed there for a while until our dads showed up. Shoto had fallen asleep, so Papa (Hizashi) ended up carrying him to the car while Dad asked me what happened. Poor Shoto...


I UPDATED! YAYYYYYYYYY! But thanks for the suggestions and all the love y'all have given me, I love you all. Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a star before you go! Byeeeeeeee!!! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

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