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Anna's POV
I woke up in a white hospital room, I looked around nobody was in here.

Reminds me of the time I tore my ACL and had surgery, not even my uncle stayed at the hospital during the surgery. They only came to pick me up.

Sick Fuckers

I thought to myself.

Then it hit me, Cade. Was he alive still? I jumped out of my bed, pulling the wires and IV out of me. I walked out of room and saw the boot on my leg, right the nail I stepped on. I walked over to the nurses station, "Where is Cade Grey" I asked. "Oh sweetie you need to stay in bed, you experience a lot of physical trauma the past day." suddenly I was sitting in a wheelchair. "But I need to know what happened to Cade, please is he alive or not?" I pleaded with her. "I'm sorry I can't give out that information" she walked away as I was returned to my room and all of the wires were reattached to me. I felt the nurse stick a needle in my arm, my eyelids fell heavy.

I jolted awake again, Fury was sitting in the corner typing on his phone. "Oh good you're awake" He said standing up and sliding his phone in his pocket. "Is Cade alive" I asked, he was the only thing on my mind. "Yes, he is in a different room recovering from a bullet to the chest. He'll be fine" I felt relief wash over me.

"I wanted to discuss Seith with you before you saw Cade. He was found almost dead in the cellar, would you care to explain what exactly happened?" he scooted his chair next to my bed. "Um I saw the chance to punch, then I tripped him. After he was on the ground I hit him until he was knocked out" I said making sure I kept eye contact. "For someone so tiny you did a lot of damage, he has a broken nose, jaw, wrist, and 5 broken ribs, oh and you crack his head open causing a whole lot of brain damage." I stared at him shocked. "Don't look so surprised kid, you did good. You just helped us take down a Mafia." I just looked at him. I almost killed a man and I was being applauded. I was fine when Cade killed Martin and my uncle, but this felt wrong. Even if the man was planning hurt me and do vile things, I still felt bad.

"Miss Collins?" the doctor walked in. I looked over and Fury walked out. "I'm Dr Daniel Fuller, and if you are feeling well enough I would like to discuss somethings with you." he took the seat Fury was in as another nurse walked in and stood beside the doctor. "Ok, I'm not dying, am I?" "Luckily no, but due to your situation a rape kit was done. We found no signs of a recent assault but you have a lot of scar tissue. After talking with some colleagues, we decided to ask you, have you ever experienced any form a assault? If you feel uncomfortable talking about it with me I fully understand and Nurse Jali will happily listen to you" he said kindly, giving me a small smile. "No it's fine you can stay, you are the doctor after all" I sat up a little trying to get comfortable in the bed. "I have been, my eldest cousin took advantage of me from 12 years old to 18 years old. He passed away earlier this year which was a relief" the nurse wrote something down on her notepad. "That would explain the amount of scaring. I'm deeply sorry you had to go through that. But now I am here to discuss treatment options with you" I looked at him confused. "What exactly do you mean, I thought I was already being treated for my foot" I looked at both them trying to understand. "I understand you are still very young but some women who experience similar things get surgery to make it look more normal, or stereotypical I think is a good way to put it" He smiled at me and the nurse just looked at the ground. "Do you mean cosmetic surgery?" I asked, "Yes Miss Collins, your insurance would cover the cost if you choose to do so. It's not medically necessary but it does help some women feel more confident." I thought it over, but I hate hospitals and the idea of surgery so I knew my answer. "I don't think that would be the right option for me" I gave a weak smile. "Wonderful Miss Collins, and you are being discharged today at 4pm" I smiled as they walked out as Fury entered.

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