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Cade's POV
I look at the clock, 2am. I continue to hold Anna's hand as she screams through her night terrors. "It's ok now Love, you're safe now. No one can hurt you and if they try I will kill them without a second thought" I say to her. I mean every word of it.

I told myself I wouldn't engage in anything romantic with her, but I don't know how long I can control myself. She is the image of perfection, even if she doesn't know it. My father decided to move to a different house now that Anna was here, I appreciate it a lot especially since if he was here right now with her screaming like this, she would have been beaten to death or shot in between her beautiful eyes.

She began to tug at my hand, she was trying to pull me closer for comfort, I sat in her bed next to her as she gripped my arm. God she was sweating bad, I had to take her dress off so she didn't ruin it and so she could cool down. I rolled her over just enough to access the zipper. I put her in my lap and got the dress off her finally. I found an old shirt from when I was little that should fit her fine for the night.

After another couple hours of trying to calm and comfort her, it was 7am. I had to go get ready. Hopefully she would be up by the time I had to go so I could say goodbye.

Around 8, I hear movement coming from her room. I should probably knock, I tell her its me and she lets me in. I tell her she was screaming all night but left out me undressing her. Anna told me who caused her nightmares before she suddenly hugged me.

Anna was straddling me and had her face buried in my neck. Finally my sense kicked in and I grabbed her waist to make sure she didn't fall. She must have gotten shy and tried to get off, but I wasn't ready to let her go. She looked hot, with just a thong and my shirt on.

Fuck, I was gonna be late. I tried to get up and planned to set her down once I was standing, but Anna had others plans.

She had wrapped her legs around me and wasn't letting go. Apparently she was stronger than I originally thought because I ended falling onto her bed, on top of her. Oh shit, how was I supposed to contain myself when she was wear that sexy little thong and I was between her legs. I was fighting off an intense erection and everything my mind was telling. God how can I resist this. And she was challenging me when I told her to release me from her leg lock. This woman look me dead in my eyes and asked what would happen if she disobeyed me. And I told her exactly what I wanted to do. Somehow she hadn't noticed she had no pants covering her pink lacy thong. She turned bright red at my words and hide her face in my chest. How cute, if my words affect her this much imagine what my actions could do.

I was officially late now and Anna was well aware, she didn't want me to go which added to her attractiveness. I told myself I wouldn't be doing or thinking these things but fuck it. She was exactly what I wanted.

Finally she let me go and gave me one last hug. I kissed her head and left for work.

I was informed this morning that the Vipers did attack the Montgomery's gala last night. Thank god I got Anna out when I did. But today I have to handle Greg Brand, the leader of the Vipers. He has always been terrible at covering his tracks. He is messy and unorganized, a awful combo for a gang leader. Elliot had informed me that he was refusing to talk, so it was my turn to torture the truth out of him.

I would also hopefully find the documents related to the possible abuse Anna experience. Her high school had made multiple complaints to CPS about possible sexual and mental abuse. But it seems like John paid CPS off.

Once I made it into the building Marie found me to tell me the documents were on my desk and Greg was in the interrogation room. Anna's past would have to wait. I have to deal with Greg first.

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