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Anna's POV

I was fucking pregnant at 19 years old.

Cade and I weren't even engaged, let alone married. Thank god Cade seemed at least supportive and not angry, he was going to take care of us. Hopefully.

I hadn't told Cade yet, but while I was getting the ultrasound done, I found out we weren't having A baby, but twins. I wanted Cade to get over the initial shock of me even being pregnant before he found out we were having 2 kids at once.

Damn genetics

It was 4am now and we were still watching movies. I wanted to sleep but I didn't want the moment to end, Cade had told me he would work from home for now which would be nice to have him here.

I focused back onto the movie Cade picked and then he randomly turned off the TV

"Hey I was watching that" I yell whispered at him.

"I'm aware, I'm also aware its 4am and you need to sleep. I heard morning sickness is a bitch" he put the popcorn bowl on the nightstand and turned off his lamp. I sat up and tucked my knees to my chest to met Cade's eyes in the darkness of our room.

"How are we going to do this" I said, feeling the tears fighting to make an appearance. "I wish I knew how to my love, but we'll figure it out. Now seriously time for bed" he said pulling the covers over him.

How was he being so calm about this? I couldn't help but wonder how he will react when he finds out it's twins. Having one baby was terrifying enough, but two at once?

I need water, Cade was asleep but the man was a very light sleeper. I managed to make it out of the room and down the stairs without waking him.

"And what are you doing up Miss Collins" I can't get a moment alone in this house.

"Oh hi Elliot, I was just thirsty" I said awkwardly. Elliot nodded his head and returned to watching the front door with his hand on his gun holster. I got my water and went up to the roof for fresh air.

I took a seat and watched the city. The roads had mostly quieted and only a few people were left on the sidewalks.

Everything was peaceful.

My life had turned upside since the night I found out Brian had cheated. This all started with him and now its ending with me pregnant.

What are the fucking odds

I should probably stop cussing to while I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure the babies can hear everything I say. I was going to have to make so big changes, and so is my body. Maybe I should tell Cade it's ok if he wants to see other women. This isn't his fault, and really I gave him no say in keeping the babies or not. And we can't have sex for the next 9 months, he doesn't deserve to be locked down because my IUD didn't work.

I got deeper into thought on how I could make this work for me and Cade, until I felt a hand on my leg. "So this is where you disappear too" his voice was so calming. "I like it up here" I say, "It's nice up here, but so is our bed and you need sleep" he said pulling me onto his lap. I nuzzled into his chest and let on a sigh of relief, maybe he wanted this.


He stood up and carried me to our room, I fell asleep before we got there.

The next morning I woke up to a plater of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast. Cade was sitting next to me with a big smile, "I thought you could use some breakfast" I picked up the fork and took a bite of the pancakes. "Did you cook all of this?" I said excitedly. "I did, is everything ok?" he asked while taking a strip of the bacon. I tasted the rest of the food and was very impressed with his cooking skills, "Babe this is all delicious!" I smile up at him and he returned my smile.

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