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3 Months later

Anna's POV
Months had past now and things are amazing. I had a visible baby bump, and I had gotten over my fears that Cade would walk away from me because I was pregnant.

Everything finally felt right.

Today we find out the sex of the twins and needless to say I'm nervous. Cade and I had already picked out names for any situation wether it be 2 girls, 2 boys, or one of each. We were still figuring out how to decorate the nursery and if we want their room to next the room right next to ours or not.

Cade wants them further down the hall from us 'so we don't wake them' if you can guess what he means by that.

But I want them close to us as possible while they are still young, we could easily switch their rooms when they are older.

We would figure it out, we always do.

"Hey you ready to go my love?" Cade swung through the door, "Yeah, can I drive" I ask while grabbing my bad. "Absolutely not" he said as he walked back down the hall.

I ran after him and down the car, Cade had made it very clear how excited he was to be a dad by everything. He had gotten a family car that will fit the twins carseats and we had cribs picked out.

"So are we going to wait to found out what we are having and have a gender reveal party or are we finding out today and then immediately going shopping for baby clothes" He said while turning the car on. We had decided on a Subaru since they were such safe cars, which I learned from Cade. He really did his research on what was the safest of everything for the babies and I mean everything.

"I want to know today, I can't wait any longer, if thats ok with you" I said putting my seatbelt on.
"Oh thank god, cause I don't want to wait either" he pulled into the road and headed for doctors office.

Cade parked in front of the clinic and got out first to open my door. He grabbed my hand as we walked in to find out what we were having.

After 5 minutes of waiting in the room, my doctor walked in.

"Hello Miss Collins, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, I'm starting to feel them kick" I giggled out, feeling happy this was my reality.

"That's good to here, if they are kicking and being active that lets us know they are healthy, well I have your twins genders. Are you guys wanting to wait or find out now?" my doctor types on the computer for a minute while waiting for my answer. I looked over at Cade to see if he still wanted to know. He gave a reassuring smile and nod letting me know he wanted to know still.

"We would like to know now please" I said with a smile.

"Wonderful, just let me pull up your results" she typed a bit more and Cade moved his chair closer so he could hold my hand.

That was one of my favorite things about him, his need to hold my hand whenever he can.

Cade's love language was physical touch, so if we were in the same room, we were holding hands or he was somehow touching me just to know I was there. I loved it.

"Well Miss Collins, you are having a baby boy and a baby girl. Congratulations" She patted my back and left the room.

"That's going to make it a hell of a ton easier to tell them apart" Cade said while hugging me. I laughed at him, "Let's go find some matching outfits" I jumped off the table and walked out of the room. Cade caught up and put his hand on the small of my back, always needing touch.

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