Episode 21: Ideological Conflict

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(Eva and the humans spend the next 20 years rebuilding civilization. Eva uses the resources around her to create buildings better suited for nature. She makes sure that technology is at least up to date from before the world ended and allows the humans to further themselves from there. During this time, she and Sokka become closer as friends and can actually claim each other as legitimate best friends. In the background, however, the humans spark a conflict that Eva seems to be ignoring the signs of. The world is now once again occupied, and borders do not exist here, neither do past names of territories. Though, regions are still referenced. Eva and Sokka choose to settle where Tucson used to be and have been living their lives as normal people would.)

Sokka: It's been 20 years and you only look 18. Care to explain why?

Eva: Well naturally, amalgram age one third that of a human.

Sokka: Since when??

Eva: Since just before I was born.

Sokka: How convenient. Then again, I'm sure if any others were around, It'd seem more normal.

Eva: *Sadly* Yeah...right.

Sokka: Oops, my bad. I didn't mean it that way.

Eva: I know. Don't worry about it. I just miss everyone. I still think about them and what happened from time to time, but I think by now I'm fully accepting it.

Sokka: Well, that's good. You've done a lot for us humans. It's almost like the world never ended. Though there are some striking differences.

Eva: I'm glad everyone is doing well now. There's hardly any fighting or crime compared to before. Sometimes, though, I wonder if I should've had as much influence in creating all of this. Everything just settled, so it's a little late to think this, but…

Sokka: Who knows, Eva. I say don't dwell on it. You've done more than your fair share. And if anything, it's time for you to let go of the reins to us. We can handle it. 

Eva: Yeah, maybe my time is done.

Sokka: Yeah, take a break. Let this young man take care of you for once.

Eva: Young? What are you, like 50? 60? How old are you again?

Sokka: Don't play with me like that, you know how old I am!

Eva: *Teasing* I don't know, just going off looks alone I'd say you're very elderly. Though the faded charcoal color does look good on you.

Sokka: I'm only 45! And thank you for your compliment!

Eva: Relax, I'm only kidding.

Sokka: Not everyone can remain young for so long.

Eva: Well technically I'm functionally immortal. I don't have to age at all.

Sokka: Show off!

Eva: *Laughs*

Sokka: Are we still going for that walk?

Eva: Yes! I love breathing in this world's natural air. Reminds me of Zellos.

Sokka: Well I'm ready to go.

Eva: Me, too. Wait, where's your walker?

Sokka: Listen, I thought it was funny when you got that for me on my last birthday, but-.

Eva: *Teasing* You need your walker old man.

Sokka: No I don't! I'm perfectly fit! *flexes*

Eva: Uh huh, I know. But it's funny to see everyone's reactions.

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