Episode 9: Under Wing

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(It's been one week since the fight with Jey's being. Zellos has been asleep the entire time and Eva has grown a little impatient waiting for him. She has not left his side for one second, ignoring her bathroom needs as well as her hunger and thirst needs. At this point, she cannot wait any longer, and with getting tired of Araru's complaints, she leaves to use the bathroom as well as scavenge for food. Although she was gone for an hour, when she comes back, Zellos is still asleep.)

Eva: Aw, come on! Wake up already! I have so much to ask you!

Zellos: zZz What do you want to ask? zZz

Eva: *Getting nervous* Y-You can hear me? Aren't you asleep?

Zellos: zZz Yes, I am. What do you want? zZz

Eva: *Mind going blank out of nervousness* I, uh, I had questions. I-I-I do I-.

Zellos: zZz Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? zZz

Eva: Well…*Getting quiet as she speaks* Aside from mom and occasionally dad...you're the first person I've been able to actually speak to since I was four…

Zellos: zZz How old are you? zZz

Eva: ...16, but I look 12 because...well, I don't know why.

Zellos: zZz It's the obelisk. Your father tampered with it and it made new side effects last I heard. Micheal was researching it and all he said was that it affected us physically, even on a genetic level. zZz

Eva: *Thinking* He can talk so easily in his sleep. Is he really asleep?

Zellos: zZz I am, don't overthink it. At this point I'm the only one asking questions. zZz

Eva: *Panicking* Oh! I'm sorry!

Zellos: *Waking up* It's alright. Care to explain why you are like this?

Eva: *Starting to get scared as she begins to think* I don't know if I can tell him. How would he react? What will happen if he finds out who my collaborator is?

Zellos: ...I can hear you.

Eva: Oh no! I thought I was thinking in my head! Pretend you didn't hear that! *Smacking her own head* Stupid! Stupid! Get it together!

Zellos: I need you to relax...you're freaking me out.

Eva: *Tearing up* I'm so sorry! I didn't want this situation to be like this! I tried to practice all I could, but-.

Zellos: Evangeline, was it?

Eva: *Sniveling* Eva for short.

Zellos: This isn't my forte, but we will take things slow. We will go at your pace.

Eva: *Taking a deep breath* T-Thank you.

Zellos: So, you think out loud. What an odd trait.

Eva: No one could hear me, so I figured it didn't matter anymore. I've actually just started trying to think in my head because I don't want him to-. *Covers her mouth*

Zellos: Who is him?

(Tears stream down her face as she keeps her mouth covered and shakes her head.)

Araru: Do not tell him, girl. He will kill you.

Eva: *To Araru* I don't want him to kill me!

Zellos: Who's him?

Eva: The him this time is you!

Zellos: (Who's the first him?) Why would I kill you?

Eva: Because…

Collaborator Arc 4: Fade To EndWhere stories live. Discover now