Episode 6: Two Years

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(Next day, the start of the first year in this new world.)

Araru: Alright, you're going to learn how to hunt to survive. Berries and plants are fine, but you need meat for protein.

Eva: Mhm.

(Eva just stands there quietly and stares into the dense forest.)

Araru: Well, girl?

Eva: What?

Araru: Learn to hunt!

Eva: And how will I learn? Are you going to teach me?

Araru: Teach you?? Please, I have better uses of my time.

Eva: *Rolling her eyes* I suppose I need a weapon...What was the weapon people used in those books I read? Arc...arch...archery? Ahhh...a bow.

(She looks around for a tree with a strong but flexible branch. She climbs the tree with somewhat ease. She gets to the branch and then just sits.)

Araru: What is it now??

Eva: I'm not Hercules, I can't cut or break the branch.

Araru: Too bad, then.

Eva: You want me to hunt, yet you're hindering me. Are you what's called a tsundere?

Araru: A what!?

Eva: Nevermind, cut the branch for me.

Araru: No!

Eva: Then let me use your pow-.

Araru: Absolutely not! Fine girl, I'll do it!

(A strong breeze comes and slices the branch off the tree. Eva carefully climbs down and retrieves it.)

Eva: Why is it that you can use your powers without me?

Araru: Why do you care?

Eva: Just...curious.

Araru: Tch! Well if you must know, just from being in your body I can see what my children were doing to give you humans power. Every living thing has life energy called qigong. My children supercharged human cells with their very own souls, which is the life energy. Which is typically why if you die, they would too if they didn't escape first. My life energy is so vast in comparison to my children's, my own aura acts as an extension of me. Think of them as fragments and I as a whole.

Eva: Mm, okay. Thanks I guess. I can see how you got the drop on my parents then.

Araru: Go ahead and make your stupid bow, girl.

Eva: I need something to draw it back with.

Araru: You're so needy!

(He uses his power to strengthen the strands of her hair. She plucks a few out and attaches them to the bow.)

Eva: Now, for arrows. This...is sort of fun…

Araru: We aren't here to have fun. We are here to survive.

Eva: *Sorrowful*...Right.

(After a couple more hours she polishes her crafting of the bow as well as the arrows.)

Araru: Are you sure you can use that effectively?

Eva: If you're that worried, you can use your power for our benefit. 

Araru: I've assisted you enough you lazy brat.

Eva: Lazy? Whatever.

(What looks to be a squirrel runs by them quickly. Eva tries to shoot it but misses horribly.)

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