Episode 10: Metallurgy

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Eva: Hey...do you know what feeling earth elementals usually feel when they...earth?

Zellos: *Furling his brow after hearing what she said* ...No.

Eva: It's not working now. Man! It felt like I could control earth!

Zellos: Why do you have Jey's sweatband?

Eva: I took keepsakes from everyone my mom and dad knew. Well maybe not everyone, but those they mentioned.

Zellos: You have something of mine, too?

Eva: He never mentioned you…

Zellos: …

Eva: I think mom has though. Since she left me with you when I was a baby.

Zellos: Okay…

Eva: Hehe, are you feeling hurt that dad never mentioned you?

Zellos: ...No.

Eva: Hmmmmmm-.

Zellos: Back to the sweatband. Maybe try putting it on.

Eva: *Teasing* Look at you, changing the subject.

(She puts the sweatband on, but feels nothing from doing so.)

Araru: Take it off girl! I don't like this feeling!

Eva: Well too bad, I don't even feel anything.

Araru: Girl!

Eva: Shut up, Araru! Your words mean nothing, you hear!?

Araru: What did you say!?

Eva: I'm yelling loud enough aren't I!? What are you, deaf!?

Araru: You annoying little-!

Eva: That's enough! You won't hurt me anymore! I won't let you! I have Zellos now! You're...irrelevant…

Araru: ...Girl…

Eva: I said enough!

(She stomps her foot and the ground shakes violently.)

Eva: What the-! Was anger the trigger?

Zellos: No, I assume anger is tied to fire. You stood your ground against him just now. Maybe it's stability.

Eva: I'm far from stable, my man.

Zellos: No, I mean being unshakeable. 

Eva: I was also shaking when the ground-.

Zellos: Eva, please. I mean confidence. You know, being like a rock?

Eva: *Gasp* Oooooooohhhhh!

(She takes a deep breath and then stomps again, but nothing happens.)

Zellos: What's going on? Any doubts?

Eva: I'm nervous. I have no idea what I want to do with this power. Or how to showcase it.

Zellos: Just do it…

Eva: But I want to be cool while doing it like you! What do I do??

Zellos: Just...do it…

Eva: Wait! My bow!

Araru: Stop doing this!

(Eva ignores any of Araru's comments as she grabs her bow. She pulls out an arrow and fires it. Nothing happens until the arrow hits the ground. Rocks spike up where it lands. In amazement, she fires another arrow on the ground in front of her, and more rock spikes forward. She stomps, creating a pillar in front of her which she fires arrows through, covering the arrows in diamond as they pass through it. She gets excited as she starts running at mach speed as she fires and creates a playground of earth attacks. After a few minutes she collapses onto the ground, tired out.)

Collaborator Arc 4: Fade To EndWhere stories live. Discover now