Episode 8: Familiarity Part 2

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Eva: *Thinking* Zellos? That name is kind of familiar. 

(The ground shakes more violently as the being starts to get up. A feeling of doom sweeps over both of them.)

Eva: That...doesn't feel good.

Zellos: Seems we've pissed it off. Unfair, considering it came after me first.

Eva: *Jumping in front of Zellos, facing him* Wait! My father mentioned you! Do you know-??

(She is kicked to Zellos' right and smacks against the ground. It goes for Zellos next by punching at him from above. Zellos side steps the attack and spirals up its arm, slashing at the same time. It pulls its arm back, but Zellos propels towards its head and kicks it.  Its head doesn't budge.)

Zellos: I think I can do better than that.

(Zellos spins into a roundhouse kick wrapped in wind and kicks its head hard enough to make it cartwheel in mid air and land on its side. The kick hurt his foot a little.)

Zellos: Ouch...Better.

Eva: *Sitting in awe* Wow, he's so cool!

(Zellos goes to stab the glowing parts, but it gets halted the moment it impacts.)

Zellos: Hard as stone now?

(Spikes of rock shoot out and back Zellos off. Its power spikes and the ground begins to shift. Platforms rise and fall and walls of rock slide across the field. Spikes of diamond then sprout out of some of the walls as they move. Zellos manages to easily maneuver, feeling a familiarity with what's going on. Eva has a much more of an issue. She manages to avoid serious injury, but cuts and scrapes from the diamond riddle her body and the fatigue from her recent falls are catching up to her as the second wind gifted to her begins running out.)

Zellos: Your balance is horrible, who trained you?

Eva: No one! It's taking me all I have just to not die right now!

Araru: (Wait a minute. She cares to live now? She meets one person and all of that goes away? Impossible!)

Eva: Hoffman, I know what you said in the past, but you also started to change your mind about it. Can you help me? Help us?

Zellos: (Hoffman? Is that her collaborator? But she should have gotten Bolas or-.)

(The being pounces onto Zellos from underground. It pins him, then starts dragging his body toward a wall of spikes.)

Zellos: Bad habit!

Eva: Darn it, Hoffman, please!

Araru: I don't think so, girl.

Eva: But he'll die?

Araru: Didn't you hear me? That's what I want.

Eva: *Monotone* Right. You only exist now to make me suffer.

Araru: That's right, girl.

Eva: Well…*Gets angry* Screw you! I don't need you at all! I'll save him myself!

(A wall rises behind her and starts to push her forward. She hops onto its face and uses its momentum to jump and propel her forward. Another wall starts to rise, spiked with diamond, in her path. She pulls the spear from her back and uses it to pole vault over it. The spear breaks and her balance is shot. She tumbles in the air until she hits the being. She pulls at it, trying to get its attention, but it keeps dragging Zellos. Zellos has a difficult time trying to get its grip loose, but even with wind attacks, only dust flies off of it.)

Eva: Stop it! Let him go! Let him go!

(The figure lifts Zellos up and rears him back. Eva darts to the hand holding Zellos and pulls to no avail.)

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