Rhydian and Maddy Whispered Confessions Chapter Three

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He woke up a few hours later to his alarm going off beside his head, still groggy he reached forward silencing it before it disturbed Maddy. He wanted to get everything she would need together before waking her from her sleep. Rhydian looked over to where she lay, at some point she had pulled at the bandages because they no longer were straight. Shaking his head exasperated he sat up letting out a sigh. She would definitely not make this easy on him. Slowly and carefully, he got up off the bed stretching above his head. He had memorized the paper given but snagged it anyway to have on hand, He didn't even trust his mind when it came to taking care of her properly. In his past, he had to play doctor to his own wounds and was fairly capable but that was a risk on himself and not on her, his Maddy.

In a moment of delay before gathering everything he went downstairs to grab some water for both him and her. He was shaky and nervous and needed to calm down before giving her medicine and rewrapping the wound. As he looked at the clock, he found it was nearly seven am. On a normal day, they would already be running in the woods together letting off steam before class. It was then he heard a knock on the door. Looking out the window, he saw Jana and gave a deep sigh. He did not want or need this visit right now. Closing the curtain, he took a deep breath opening the door. His frustration was not her fault it was his own guilt and regret but, her face brought it all back to the surface.

"It is not a good time right now, Jana." He said immediately keeping his voice low and level and face wiped of emotions.

"I just wanted to check on you." She said sweetly smiling at him despite the tension in the air. He was a little agitated at that. He had not been the one-shot, Maddy had but, Jana came to check on him. It could have been out of concern for her friend but, he did not really get that feeling as he met her eyes.

"I am fine. I am not the one who's been shot. You need to go to school or you will be late." He said in return trying to end the conversation.

"You're not going then? I could stay and help you out today keep your mind off all this. We could run together." She offered. Immediately, he shook his head no.

"No, I need to be here for Maddy, I do not need or want to keep my mind off it she needs me right now." He said sternly crossing his arms. He did not explain the others were gone and he was alone here with her because he did not think it was her business. He watched the shift in her demeanor it was small but, her smile fell, and her eyes narrowed slightly, she clearly did not like that. He for the first time acknowledged the actions as jealousy for Maddy and his relationship. He had never told her about Maddy true enough but, he did not do it because she meant nothing, he did it because he could not bear the thought of not being with her. It hurt too much. At night though when finally, alone he thought about her. If she was okay and what she might be doing. Even apart she was a constant in his mind and in his heart. When in trouble she was the only one she needed and wanted to see. He never meant to bring all this with him back to her. "Maddy is important to me Jana and I am not going to leave her right now." He added sternly clearly meeting her eyes. He needed her to be clear on this but, he did not want to hurt her either. He hoped she would take the hint.

"So, do I, I do not have anyone anymore. What about me?" She questioned sadly. He felt a pang of guilt but quickly remembered her decision to come had been a ploy to take him back. Her choices after putting, her here not him.

"You have Tom and Shannon to now. You're not alone and I don't have time for this right now." He said clearly done with the situation. "I have to go. Go to school Jana." He added shortly moving back inside and shutting the door. He'd been outside nearly thirty minutes. Cursing he quickly made his way up the stairs with the water and found Maddy stirring in the bed. Her medication would be wearing off he reminded himself setting them down and moving to the bag of medicine bag nearby, He quickly pulled a bottle and the needle out and began drawing it out to the line. He set it on the table and reached over to wake her. Her eyes drug open and closed again so he tried again.

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