Part 5

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Maddy slumped carelessly backward onto the couch temporarily forgetting her wound. Her mother's constant need to control everything was exhausting and drained the last of her energy as well as brainpower. As her body hit the couch and white-hot pain took her vision and she felt harsh pulling at her wound site, she was more than aware of how stupid she had truly been at that moment. Not a single sound escaped her through her mouth as she became overwhelmed yet, somehow Rhydian knew. He always seemed to know and this time he came running by the sounds around her just before they began starting to fade. Not even the day of the full moon had enough power to stop the consciousness from leaving her mind as she felt Rhydian come to her side and his gentleness as he touched her forehead.

He stood over her unsure of what to do his first instinct was to grab the medicine but, he also knew her body would burn it off today before it had the chance to work. Helplessly he checked her wounds finding three of the stitches pulled. Moving quickly, he wrapped it tightly unsure of how-to stitch up someone despite wounds he had suffered in the system before turning. His experience had taught him however if you wrap someone tight enough it had a similar effect. The smell of her blood on the air again drove his stomach to flip, it was something he never wanted to smell again but would know anywhere after this escapade.

Once satisfied and complete he began carefully he adjusted her to lay down and lifting her head and slipping beneath so her head lay in his lap. He didn't like how heavy it felt because he knew that meant she was not aware of the world around her at all right now. Constantly, and nervously he ran his fingers through her hair over and over trying to contemplate how this had occurred. Obviously, she had ignored his warnings and done something careless but he was not sure. He could not leave her side for even a shower it seemed but, in truth, he didn't mind that being the case.

The two remained that way as minutes turned to hours before finally, she awoke again. First, the pressure in her head lightened on his lap, and then she began to shift in her sleep snuggling closer to his chest. Where she belonged. He thought to himself feeling relief creeping into his mind. When her chocolate eyes met his own, he let out a deep sigh of relief uncontained and uninhibited. With the sigh, he was able to release some of the worry and tension that had been consuming every corner of his soul. They were a much-needed confirmation that she was alright as they bore into his own taking in the scene around her.

She looked weak and tired much as he expected but, he couldn't form the words to get out. He had been fearful she would not wake again on some level though he had dispelled the thoughts immediately it had not stopped the havoc it wreaked on his emotions. Rhydian had so much raw emotion that it was hard to control and sort through, especially when she was so much more fragile than normal which was saying something considering the chaos she found herself in nearly constantly.

"I'm sorry, I was not careful when I sat down." She murmured hand going to her head. He needed an explanation she had wanted to give it before fading but, she hadn't been physically able. She hated everything about being fragile and hurt. The moon's energy hummed in the air she could feel it but, she could do nothing to tap into it. It made her feel powerless and useless. He had warned her just this morning she was not fully healed yet, she had been careless and the tole on his face showed the effect it had on him. Until the undeniable evidence looked at her through her favorite pair of icy eyes she hadn't fully comprehended the massive effect on him. He had lost so much, suffered so much it was the last thing she wanted to add to it. She wanted to see his smile and hear his laugh only and she hated that look he wore now more than the pain still coursing through her body. "My mind is full of the moon energy it wants to run, laugh, play, I wasn't thinking we didn't mean to scare you." She added timidly.

"I know it's hard and you will heal but, Mad's." He paused formulating his words from the harsh tone he was using, "Please be more careful until that happens. I can't take seeing you like that." He added much softer eyes darkening as the memory played across them of the night he'd found out and a few moments before as his hand ghosted across her warm cheek leaving a buzzing sensation in its wake.

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