Whispered Confessions Part Six

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Authors Note: A lots been going on but better late than never right?? Jana is not a bad wolf I do like her but this chapter I need her to fit the role of bad guy. It will come full circle if you give it time. In the mean time enjoy Maddian!!

Whispered Confessions Part Six

When Maddy woke several hours later Rhydian was staring out the window pensively his eyes golden and scanning everything around them cautiously. She could see by the set of his jaw and the tenseness' of his posture something had gone very wrong. Sitting up more despite the bite at her side she pulled back the covers.
"Rhydian, what happened?" She asked her voice still heavy with sleep, as she rubbed at her eyes, "And don't lie to us, we always can tell when you do."
Closing the curtain, he turned to face her his face clear of any clue as to what was going on. "Your parents can't come home right away; they had some trouble." He said putting both his hands together and breathing deeply before rubbing his face. Though he was only sixteen and still half the year from being seventeen he did not look it right now with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Sitting in the chair still beside her bed he took her hand.
"What kind of trouble?" She asked quietly horrible possibilities running through her mind, along with the memories her eyes turning golden and her veins black from fear. Her fear filled the air cutting Rhydian deeper than any weapon ever could.
"The Hunters tracked their car after finding it while they were traveling. The Hunters located it in the outskirts of the city they are in, where they left it when they changed. They set it on fire and left a message in what was left. The Hunter's think your..." He paused unable to form the word in relation to Maddy. It had been to close a call a fact he was reminded of every day since. The medical smell clinging to the rooms as the memories did to his mind. "Gone. They feel like they are targets and coming home makes you one as well. Your dad and mum just want to keep you safe." He said squeezing her hand tighter.
His words held so much emotion, fear, and anxiety and were so different to the carefree tone she preferred making the news that much harder to swallow. "So, I'll be here alone? With them out there?" She said petrified her eyes filling with tears.
"NO!" He shouted suddenly, "They had the papers reversed on my placement so I can stay with you without complication. I'll be right beside you until you're sick of me and then some. Your never alone Mad's, always." He finished pulling her effortlessly into his lap, he wrapped his arms around her shaking body.
"Next time lead with that yeah?" She muttered clutching his shirt with her vein covered hands and burying her head in his neck as he stroked her hair.
"Yeah," He replied holding her closely still scenting the fear thick in the air. Even when Alaric held her to kill her, he hadn't scented this much fear from her. Just anger pure anger when he'd attempted to offer himself up. It made him feel sick to his stomach. So much had happened to her since they had met, and he had been the cause, but this was the worse and would affect her much longer. They sat still that way quite a while as she calmed slowly.
"I am hungry." She finally said returned to a much more normal state.
"Okay." He said shifting her gently standing while still holding her he began to make his way down the stairs towards the kitchen. Maddy still feeling vulnerable and needy didn't protest in the slightest just rested her head on his chest. When in the kitchen he moved with purpose setting her on the counter before moving to make her food. He didn't miss the pain in her face as she attempted to draw her knees up to her chest and failed. "Do you need more medicine Mads?" He asked pausing the meat creation that he was creating for them both.
"No." She sighed, "I can't have it at school tomorrow. I can handle it." She said shaking her head adamantly. Truthfully, she wanted to enjoy the time she did have with him and not have it shaded by the news or her drug induced sleep. Forming a thin line with his lips he nodded but, she could tell that he was anything but happy about it. In a normal situation he would have pushed it but, with the state he'd just caused guilt saved the day. They fell into comfortable silence as she ate, and he cleaned up. Not wanting to leave Maddy hung around and Rhydian was glad because he truthfully didn't want her out of his sight with the news. It wasn't realistic but, that was his possessive nature taking control of him at his control being tested.
Once finished they moved towards the stairs Maddy insisting she climb them because of the ones at school. He watched he attempt to climb them each step causing more strain to her side. On the third step Rhydian had enough lifting her up and carrying her the rest of the way.
"Rhydian, there will be stairs at school." She chided again.
"Then I will carry you up those to." He responded flippantly, "Problem solved."
"You can't be everywhere Rhydian." She growled frustration at her situation and condition mounting lighting her eyes with the fire he loved so much.
"We will just have to find out, won't we?" He smarted smiling in a way that reminded her of his rebellious nature. "Besides we both know its not torcher Mad's."
She felt her face turn pink as she hid her face in his shirt and her smile. "Remind us again why do we even need to go?" She mumbled, "We could skip and just sleep in."
"If you want to give it a miss we can. You don't need to push yourself." He said sitting on her bed. Not to gently she tugged them both down beside her as she let out a deep sigh.
"Hmm it is tempting but, I told Tom we'd talk before school and there is the footage." She sighed.
"Don't worry about that I will handle it Mad's." He said his tone serious and full of alpha nature.
"We will do it together, we're a team." She said hovering above him slightly above him her brown hair falling like curtains around them her brown eyes capturing and boring into his. "Promise us Rhydian." She demanded using her own alpha nature.
"Promise." He said smiling and touching her cheek.
"Good, now let's watch a movie or something." She replied moving off him and turning to grab her laptop. They watched movie after movie until both fell asleep cuddled up together on the bed.
The next morning, they woke up to blaring alarms and began going through the motions to get ready for school. Maddy tried pulling on her normal uniform, but everything required adjusting so much she couldn't manage it right now. Frustrated she tossed them aside flopping on her bed and wincing at the pain the reverberated throughout her body. Looking around her room she saw Rhydian's disagreed bag with one of his school shirts. Reaching down she grabbed it up sliding it on with ease buttoning it up most of the way she moved to her closet. Much to her displeasure she had almost all jeans and tights aside from the one skirt she'd worn back before directly after her change. Frustrated she grabbed the skirt roughly slipping it on. It was a little shorter than she would have liked but the elastic band made it much easier to get on. Looking in the bottom of the closet she saw a pair of knee-high boots with a sock like liner. Normally, she only wore them during winter but, today she didn't have the energy or desire to fight with a pair of shoes that required socks and so on. Slipping into them she grabbed a tie of the dresser but, of course it was undone.
A knock sounded on the door and Rhydian's voice through the door, "Mad's we need to go." He spoke.
"I know I just need help with my tie." She called back picking it up her left arm shaking slightly. She hated the weakness of her body right now; it was one of the worse parts of all of this. She was so used to being strong she simply didn't know how to be less. Entering Rhydian went wide eyed at the outfit. He was used to seeing her in less as of late but, going to school in that skirt without tights had his wolf stirring and recognizing his shirt only made it that much worse. It wasn't that he didn't like it but more that he did maybe too much. It was that he wasn't sure Maddy really recognized how much she had been growing up lately.
"Does it look that bad? Is it the shirt, I'll give it back? I couldn't get the regular stuff on." She explained looking very self-conscious in the mirror. Seeing her arm shaking Rhydian understood immediately what had happened.
"No, I just haven't seen that skirt since the pink highlights." He said trying to back petal, "I don't care about the shirt Mad's keep it." He offered smiling. That part was completely true. He wanted her to keep it and wear it partly because it was his and partly because it hid her body from others but, he would never tell her that.
"I know. I didn't have anything else." She said as he took the tie and she turned to face him. Lifting the collar, he held her hair up with one hand wrapping it around, letting her hair fall back he began working on the tie. Finished he backed away grabbing her bag and his.
"You look great Mad's let's go." He said smiling at her brightly. They made their way outside and into the forest moving a little slower than normal and by the midway point Maddy was in more pain than she could have foreseen but stopping she felt would make it worse, so she kept a good game face on pushing it down. Maddy had been so concentrated she just caught Jana's scent as she neared. Rolling her eyes, a low growl left her throat. She had truly tried to hate her less and she had her moments but, her attention was on Rhydian and Maddy didn't like that at all. In her pain and frustrated state she didn't have the energy to pretend like she wanted to try and be friends today. Rhydian heard the growl and internally was angry with Jana for causing her more distress this morning.
"Hey Rhydian!" She said as bubbly as ever, "Didn't think you would be back today Maddy." She added without so much as a glance her way.
"Didn't think you would be here at all with your pack waiting." Maddy quipped back dryly smiling in a way that worried and somewhat scared Rhydian.
"I decided I want to stay for a little bit longer to show Ceri why we need human contact. With her support we can change the pack just like Rhydian and I always talked about when we snuck off. Rhydian didn't miss the mentioned time when he was away and was silently praying Jana would shut up and walk away but, at the same time he knew the pack would never survive without the human contact their way of life was dying.
"That's good." He said forcing a smile.
"I know I wanted to talk about it with you like we use to. I don't have anyone else to really talk to about it." She said smiling brightly at him.
"Great." Maddy huffed, "I need to meet Tom. You have your little talk or whatever." She said moving quickly as her turn was trying to surface.
"Maddy," he sighed trying to reach her sensing something was wrong. He just didn't know if it was because of Jana's words and her fears he'd leave again when all this was done or because of something else. "Slowdown, we talked about this."
"I can't the more I stop the more it sets in." She growled eyes altering from brown to gold. "We can't deal with her right now Rhydian. We just can't."
"Okay then let's go." He said picking her up quickly careful of her side and skirt.
"It's a great idea Jana but I'm afraid I'm a full service nurse to my alpha." He said reaffirming his allegiance. "Gotta go now see you in class, yeah." He added taking off faster than he normally ran to school before she could say anything further.
"Thanks." Maddy said as he set her back on the ground. Carrying her was becoming quite the habit and maybe she was starting to enjoy it.
"No problem." He said smiling. It didn't take them long to spot Tom alone by the tables looking as if he been through it a few times. Walking over they sat before him.
"Where's Shan?" She asked eyes darting around.
"I told her to not come today. I thought it would be best if you had a day first. I think she convinced her mom she was sick." He replied unable to meet her eyes. "Maddy I am so sorry, I thought it was Shan just being Shan. You know obsessing. I told her to stop." He said in a rush.
"But ya didn't tell us did you?" She asked releasing her frustration. "You don't get it do you? I feel exposed violated like some ones caught me in my underwear. My change is private. It's sacred and so are me parents and Rhydians and even Jana's. I choose who sees it not you or Shan or anybody else. She recorded it in me den where I'm meant to feel safe." She said the veins filling her hands. Rhydian quickly took them in his own keeping them safely hidden under the table. "You saw the Hunters first hand what they want to do to me kind. What happens if they were to get it. All our secrets our weaknesses my pack entirely!"
"Easy Mad's easy." Rhydian said trying to control her temper more for her sake than Toms she didn't have the extra energy to loose right now.
"She never meant to hurt you. I never meant to hurt you." Tom said sullen and guilty.
"It's beyond hurting me feelings Tom. It's me life me packs life and I trusted you." She snipped quickly. "You just don't get it."
"I do now." He said raising his voice and meeting her eyes. "You took a bullet meant to be in me Maddy. I heard them, I was chained beside you. Before I didn't but that day I will never forget. I know the data needs to be gone forever. I regret the decision I made." His eyes held unshed tears, "I almost lost one of my best mates to hatred for nothing."
The moment his voice raised Rhydian's posture went from pensive to protective instantly his body straightening and muscles tensing. Realistically he knew Tom wouldn't hurt Maddy but, everything had changed that night and he wasn't taking any chances.
"Watch it Tom." He warned his voice deep shocking both Maddy and Tom.
"I just don't want to loose my best mate." He said lowering his voice and checking his temper quickly. Tom wasn't an idiot he knew something between the two wolf bloods was happening something beyond love they might not recognize yet themselves. He also knew enough from Shannon and their experience to know not to cross the line when it was drawn.
"You haven't. I took a bullet for ya didn't I?" She said ignoring Rhydian's out burst entirely. "But I am just not sure I can trust you or her right now."
"Then I'll earn it back." He said simply.
"Alright." She replied though she wasn't sure he could,not like they had been. As the bell rang Tom stood as did Maddy and Rhydian and he tried to hug her. Rhydian quickly stopped him a hand to the shoulder.
"She's still hurt don't." He warned.
"But the moon, I thought." He said questions filling his eyes.
"There was a poison to our kind. I couldn't mend properly." She explained, "hence the outfit."
"I thought that was Rhydian's shirt." He added as if connecting the thoughts just as Jana walked up.
"It is." Rhydian said watching all the gazes fall on Maddy. He'd been right and he didn't like it.
"Get to class." Mr. Jeffries called out, "Didn't you here the bell." As his eyes fell on Maddy they zeroed in, "You four wait." He called making his way over.
"I should have stayed home." She grumbled lowly causing Rhydian to laugh.
"Ms. Smith, I heard about the accident and injury how are you feeling?" He asked.
"Alright I guess." She said awkwardly.
"Mr. Morris, I understand your staying with the Smiths and aiding Maddy." He said eyeing Rhydian.
"Yes, Sir. She needs help and to stay off her feet." He said like the dutiful nurse he was.
"Right, we'll I expect you all to help Ms. Smith for her recovery. You and Ms. Smith can work on photography club during gym time it's already been arranged." He said addressing them all. "Try not to do to much Maddy remember healing is the top priority." He said before walking away. Breathing a sigh of relief they made their way inside towards the lockers.
Holding her hand out for her bag Rhydian shook his head. "I got it." He said reaching over her and placing it aside while grabbing her things and putting them in his bag for class.
"I can get me own books Rhydian." She said shaking her head.
"I'm only doing what Mr. Jeffries told me, you don't want me to get in trouble do you?" He asked smirking as they headed to the stairs on the way he noticed many boys stairs aimed to low for his liking looking up at her he noticed her climbing the stairs and her skirt riding up some.
"Hey what are you starting at?" He snipped as Tom caught up.
"Nothing." Dean nearly stuttered taking in Rhydian's angry face and tense muscles.
"I got it, take Maddy." Tom said grabbing Deans shoulder roughly. "What were ya looking at mate?" He asked squeezing harder. When Dean winced Rhydian turned his attention to Maddy who was oblivious three stairs higher. Getting behind her he lifted her up by her waist carrying her up the rest quickly.
"I had it." She huffed nearly out of breath stubborn as always.
"Your skirt was raising." He said taking his jacket off and giving it to her. Immediately and wide eyed she put it on.
"Is it better she asked turning. It came several inches lower than the skirt and did help.
"Yes." He said relieved.
"Thanks," she said quickly kissing his cheek before heading to class. He followed smiling. He enjoyed any attention from Maddy but sweet Maddy was always a bonus. He took a seat beside her and Tom took one next to Jana in front of them.
"Is that your coat?" Jana asked dumbly as Jeffries walked in.
"Yeah." He said without looking up from where he'd begun drawing.
"You never offered me your coat." She said without hiding her jealous emotions well, "or Shannon." beside him Maddy was clenching her jaw no doubt grinding her teeth.
"And I have never kissed you two either, what's your point?" He asked his temper rising and eyes narrowing on her as he looked up from his work. It was a warning and Jana's disgusted face said it all. "I made myself very clear Jana I have an alpha I don't want to be yours. We can be friends and that's it." His words were low and so was the growl in his voice. Tom just looked at Maddy eyes wide surprised at his statement. He'd been so helpful to Jana but it was clear somewhere she'd crossed a line he'd always been smart enough not to.
"Read the room Jana, read the room." Tom muttered turning comically slowly to face the front. While they starred each other down. Maddy who was loving the dramas distraction from her pain simply smiled holding in the urge to laugh her head resting on her hand propped up by her elbow.
How many times had Jana taken his attention and time away from her? Especially when she needed him most? As far as she was concerned it was karma. She didn't like anyone sniffing around Rhydian it infuriated her and she was self admittedly very jealous not that she'd ever verbally admit it. Her heart had claimed him the night of her first change and lately her wolf has far more territorial than ever.
"Class is that way." She finally said pointing to the front to break the stare down occurring between the two. With a huff Jana faced the front just in time for Jeffries lecture.

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