Whispered Confessions - {Part Two}

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Whispered Confessions – {Part Two}

Rhydian Lay there watching over Maddy unable to rest his mind of worry and nearly losing her. Though her vitals were normalizing steadily her rest was not peaceful though he was unsure if it was born of pain, or simply the memories from today her mind still tried to process. For every soft whisper of a whimper, he stroked her hair softly hushing her and reassuring her she was safe. For every twitch of her body, he gripped her hand in his own adding more pressure and stroking the back. She was his world he saw that now. When she hurt it physically, mentally, and emotionally wrecked him, altering him in a way he had never known possible. She had given him acceptance, patience, a home, and a pack without a second thought but most importantly she had given him her heart. He could see it as his touches seemed to calm her even in her much-needed slumber. They were simply made for each other. His strong, beautiful alpha.

He wasn't sure how long they lay uninterrupted before her parents returned with a middle-aged man in tow. He scented them before they entered but, he didn't have it in him to put in the distance between himself and Maddy, they always seemed to silently demand. So, he lay there mentally prepping to be kicked out and ordered away from her yet again. The man was a Wolfblood, and he looked like Emma quite a bit between the facial features, skin tone, and dark brown hair. His eyes looked worried as they found Maddy on her bed and Rhydian knew he was family. He also took note of the doctor bag clutched in his hand yet, none of this stopped the low growl that left Rhydian's throat as the adults neared Maddy. He hadn't meant to it had simply fallen naturally from his throat. It was not until Emma and Dan held up a hand stopping the man and pushing him back that Rhydian realized how close to changing, he had become.

"It's alright Rhydian, this is the doctor Emma's cousin Alex that has come to check Maddy. No one will hurt her," Dan said holding up his hand and making eye contact. "We just need to be sure she's alright." He assured him further. It was an out of body experience, as Rhydian didn't see the normal anger and unacceptance within them, he normally did simply a caring father and calming adult.

"Right. Sorry, I don't know why I did that." Rhydian replied honestly shaking his head.

"I see what you mean now," Alex said to Emma a small smile on his lips though it didn't reach his eyes as he moved forward towards the bed. Towards Maddy. "Hello, Rhydian. I have watched over Maddy her entire life. So, don't worry she's in good hands. Just stay there and try to keep her calm once we wake her." Alex said sitting in the chair which Emma used while bandaging Maddy only hours before. "Maddy Alex said touching her shoulder lightly. Maddy without opening. Her eyes growled in response snuggling deeper into Rhydian. He could have hidden his smile if he tried but, he didn't instead he shook his head.

"Mad's wake up, the doctors here." He said softly pushing her hair off her face and gently shaking it. He was surprised and shocked that another growl had not left her lips. He honestly had never seen anyone wake her without a major fight, the growls were only the beginning.

"No." She replied grumpily, eyes still closed and an exasperated and most definitely annoyed huff following. "Pretend, they aren't there they will go away yeah?" Glancing up at her mom's frustration which was growing quickly and her dad's amused and relieved gaze he knew there was no chance of that. Not to mention he also thought she should be looked at properly by someone trained.

"Maddy, you need to be examined." He replied moving his hand to her shoulder shaking lightly as the doctor had done. "They won't be going anywhere, and I am not sure that they should." At that, her eyes opened but, not in the loving manner they had before. They looked annoyed and angry. Her lips twisted into a thin line and he knew he would hear about this when they were alone again. "Plus, if I am not helping your mum and dad are going to send me home." He added in a whisper low enough for only her to hear and possibly the doctor. Maddy's eyes widened slightly and her mouth opened knowing it was not completely untrue and he knew he had won. Though it was a low blow, and she was prickly, to say the least, she was now reluctantly complaint, which had been his goal. Slowly weakly she moved to turn over flat but, her body was still so weak, and she couldn't seem to manage on her own. At the same time, Alex and Rhydian reached to aide her.

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