Chapter 23

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You woke up and realised that the twins and Charlie were coming over today, you got ready and left Oliver talking in his sleep.
You made shore the house was clean and put up a few photos of you and your friends from hogwarts.
Oliver eventually came downstairs confused to why you weren't in bed.
He caught on to why you were running around the house like a mad woman and went upstairs to get changed.

It was 17:00 time to go get the twins and Charlie, you desaperated to the burrow and knocked on the door.
Molly answered and said hello and shouted for the twins to come down the stairs.

"Well well if it isn't miss lupin." Charlie said as he hugged you.

"Won't be miss lupin for long." George said as he came downstairs with Fred.

"See you later mrs.Weasley." You waved goodbye to molly and desaperated back to your home.

The twins went straight to Oliver to ask how they could win quidditch this year of course he told them everything.
After tea Oliver and the twins went outside to practice quidditch you were left with Charlie.

"So any plans." He asked.

"Nope." You replied.

"Come on y/n you've to have something." He continued to talk.

"Okay well maybe I wouldn't mind getting married." Charlie was about to reply when three people came crashing through the door.

"TOLD YOU, YOU OWE ME 4 GALLONS." Fred shouted.

Charlie and the twins went back to the burrow you started to clean up and put everything back into its place when a pair of arms wrapped around you.

"Hello gorgeous." It was Oliver.

"Hey." You replied.

You finished cleaning and went to bed but before you did you had to put Oliver's quidditch stuff away he left in on the table.
There was a note stuck to his broom.

Meet me in the pub in Hogsmeed

Your boyfriend

The next morning you woke up alone Oliver must of left already, you got ready and made your way to the pub.
You went to order a butter beer but was stopped by someone.
It was Adrian he was also buying a butter beer.

"Oh hey Lupin Umm I'm sorry about all the things I did." What was he up too.

"Oh hey umm thanks." You were confused to why he was being nice.

"Let me buy ya a drink." Was he actually being kind.

"Yeah sure." You thought you might as well be nice since he is.

You sat down while he ordered your drinks, Oliver still wasn't here. Adrian came back with your butter beer, it smelled different maybe it was a different recipe.
You took a sip and felt different you looked at Adrian and suddenly you fell in love with him.

"So what about you and Oliver." He got closer.

"Who's Oliver." You asked because you generally didn't know.

"Perfect." He smiled as he kissed you something was telling you no but it's like you were forced.

Oliver's POV

I walked into the pub and right in front of me Adrian had his hands on my girlfriend anger filled my body how dare he but then I looked at y/n she was kissing him back they turned around when I came in Adrian looked pleased with himself but y/n looked confused and completely out of it.
I couldn't stand being there for another second I left and I wouldn't bother going home.

Y/n's POV

A man walked in he looked angry and sad I thought I recognised him from somewhere.
I left and went to my dads and Sirius house.

"What are you doing here." Your dad asked.

"I live here." You replied.

"Y/n you have your own house with Oliver." Sirius looked confused.

"Who's Oliver." You asked.

"Y/n are you ok." Tonks looked worried.

"Y/n have you had anything to eat or drink." Sirius asked.

"Yeah I had a butter beer with Adrian." You replied.

" Although I don't know how I got there." You told them.

"Send a letter to Molly Oliver would of probably gone there." Lupin told Tonks.

"On it." Tonks replied.

Dear Molly

Oliver is probably with you he probably told you what happened.
But something is wrong y/n has no memory of Oliver.
And doesn't have any memory of moving into her house.


Tonks sent the letter and in 30 minutes there was a reply.

Dear Tonks

Oliver is here he told us that he saw y/n kissing Adrian but from what you told me she wasn't in control and has lost all memory of Oliver.
We're on are way.


Within an hour all the Weasleys arrived.
The twins looked a bit sad and angry they probably want to punch Adrian.

"Hey your the guy from the pub, why were you sad." You asked as you saw Oliver.

"You know why." He replied.

"The thing is she doesn't." Molly told him.

"So how do we fix this." Charlie asked concern for his best friend.

"We need to find her trigger." Molly told the boys.

"I know what her trigger is, we need to recreate the time Oliver fell off his broom." Charlie said.

"How do you know that." Oliver asked.

"I'm her best friend I saw her break as she saw you fall." Charlie responded.

The plan was in action all that was left now was for it to work.

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