Chapter 21

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Harry, Hermione and Ron came to visit you were all sitting in the library reading a book they boys were messing around with spells when one narrowly missed Hermione.

"Oh so now your trying to kill me." She stood up.

"No it was an accident." They were now in each other's faces having ago at each other. Hermione picked up a book and started to hit Ron with it.

" think you can just suddenly start to show feelings for me and expect me to fall at your feet." She stopped killing him with a book.

"Have fun at hogwarts Harry." He would have to deal with this for a year.

"They are going to kill each other." He said as he walked out of the room not wanting to get involved.

Time skip

Harry, Hermione and Ron left they would be going back to hogwarts soon so you went to go confront your dad about what was going on.
He was sat in the kitchen with Oliver and Tonks, perfect  Oliver was probably in on their secret.

"What's going on." You asked.

"What do you mean." Your dad asked.

"You have all been keeping secrets." You have had enough and wanted to know what they were keeping from you.

"WE BOUGHT YOU A HOUSE." Tonks shouted.

"Surprise." Your dad did little jazz hands.

"Omg thank you ." You were jumping in excitement.

"When can we move in." You asked.

"Tomorrow." Oliver was smiling he would finally own a house with you.

That night you packed all of your things ready for tomorrow ready for your new adventure.
Sirius was trying to convince you to stay but you new he just didn't want to be left alone with Tonks since she is pregnant.
Oliver was buzzing with excitement he was so happy that you would have your own house maybe now you could stat your own family.
Family is everything and Oliver wanted to start one with you of course he new Harry would kill him but it would be worth it but maybe you should get married first.

Everything was falling into place but will it last forever things can happen that make people lose all feeling like being numb like all life was being drained from them the look of losing a loved one someone you thought would never leave you drifting away but one person can make everything less painful, the person who loves you and when they smile you smile.
Love can change you in many ways it can bring out the best in you it makes you confident knowing someone loves and cherishes you.

Hey sorry about this little paragraph at the end I just thought it would fit for what will happen in the story .💕✌️

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