Chapter 2

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Time skip

Your first year at hogwarts was amazing you and Oliver became best friends,he got pissed that first years can't tryout for quidditch so instead you helped him practice and get better and while doing so you actually got better so much so that Oliver suggested that next year that you should tryout as well. At the year you were sad to leave hogwarts it was like a second home but you could not wait to see your dad. When you got off the train you saw your dad straight away he wrapped you in a massive bear hug you could tell that he missed you he looked behind you and saw Oliver.
"Hello who is this." lupin said with a massive smile on his face.
"Oh this is Oliver wood." You said with a grin.
" The boy that you said in your letters that loves quidditch." Lupin exclaimed.
"Yes hi mr lupin." Oliver said his cheeks went red.
You said you goodbye's to Oliver and he promised that he would write to you. Your dad was looking at you with a massive grin on his face.
"What." You asked
"So he is the boy with chocolate brown eyes that you won't stop going on about." Your dad said with a little laugh.
"Dad." You said with redness creeping on your face and with that you left platform 9 3/4.

You and your dad had been friends with the weasly's for as long as you could remember Molly was like a mother to you and Fred and George were like your brothers and this year they were coming to hogwarts Oliver did keep his promise he wrote to you every week every time you opened up a letter from him a smile crept on your face Fred and George noticed and started running around saying "ooo y/n has a crush."until molly told them to pack it in but that didn't stop them.
You arrived at platform 9 3/4 and you were meet with the boy with chocolate brown eyes. The twins joined you and Oliver on the train you were all sitting down when Fred spoke and said.
" So is this the boy that kept sending you letters that made you smile." He was smiling like he accomplished something.You went red with embarrassment George hit Fred.
" What's wrong are you jealous." You said everyone laughed Fred pouted in defeat. Fred and George got sorted into Griffendor obviously now they would be around the whole day to tournament you. Quidditch tryout's were tomorrow so you and Oliver got an early night sleep so you would be well rested.

If you have any suggestions comment x

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