Chapter 3

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You woke up with a smile plastered on your face it was 5:30am tryout's were at 7:00am you and Oliver planned to meet in the common room at 6:30am so you had an hour to get changed,do your hair and do your makeup. You  got changed and put your hair up into a ponytail with two bits of hair at the front. You only put mascara and concealer on,you grabbed your broom and walked out the door to meet Oliver in the commen room you were both wearing the Griffendor quidditch uniform over the summer Oliver grew and his voice got really low when you first spoke to him on the train you were a bit shocked but the emotion never reached your face. You and Oliver arrived at the quidditch Pitch not many people were trying out there were a few people from different team's in the stands no doubt they came to see what they would be up against this year. The quidditch captain was Charlie weasely Fred and George's brother he was pleased that you were trying out he had seen you play and you were good so good that as soon as he found out you were trying out according to Fred and George he was jumping for joy. Oliver was trying out for keeper and you were trying out for chaser which is what you are best at, people who were trying out for chaser had to try and throw the quaffle at the hoops which Charlie was guarding he was a beater but for this practice it required him to be a keeper for today. You managed to score 13 times against him you sat down while the rest were trying out you watched Oliver as he was practicing with lee jordon he blocked every shot lee threw at him he was good and you new he was going to make the team.

At lunch we all gathered in the common room for Charlie and lee to announce who made it onto the team.
"Firs off I'd like to thank you for all trying out you all have some amazing talent and remember if you don't make the team this year you can always tryout next year." He said with a reassuring smile.
"For keeper we have chosen Oliver wood." He gave Oliver a welcoming smile.
"For chaser we have chosen y/n lupin." He smiled as he read out your name.
"That is all." He dismissed the others they all said congratulations to you and Oliver and walked upstairs.
"Your dad will be proud and so will my mum." He said with a little chuckle when you were younger he treated you like a little sister he was very protective over you and always made shore that people respected you.

Charlie and lee told you and Oliver that practice was every Saturday morning 6am till 7:30am which Charlie new that you would be in a piss because you are not a morning person and you new he get pleasure out of making you suffer. Oliver new that you weren't a morning person he found that out the hard way when you threatened to Chuck him into the black lake if he didn't shut up. You said goodbye to Charlie and lee as you and Oliver were going to go walk around the grounds for bit.
"I honestly can't believe we are on the quidditch team it doesn't feel real." He said with a shocked look on his face you turned to him and put your hands on his shoulders.
"Oliver calm down before you burst from excitement." You said with a smile on you face Oliver started to laugh you could never take each other seriously.
"You don't understand WERE ON THE QUIDDITCH TEAM!!!" He shouted he looks like he had just been given a puppy it made you laugh how excited he was you hugged him and he hugged you back both of your dreams came true you made it onto the quidditch team.

Hope you enjoyed that x🤣

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