Chapter 8

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You woke up the next morning to find a letter on you bedside table you picked it up and began to read it.

Dear y/n

Hello my dear I have missed you so much you may be wondering who this letter is from it's padfoot. Merry Christmas there isn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you, you have grown up so smart your just like your father please don't be afraid of me I didn't do anything to hurt James and lily I hope to see you soon your father knows of my location and we will be meeting soon I can't wait to see you soon mini moony.

All my love 


A tear dropped from your eye no one had called you mini moony in years it's what Sirius had called you since you were born. Your train of thought was stopped my a knock at the door.
"Come in." You said wiping the tear from your eye.
"Good morning beautiful." It was Oliver he came and sat at the bottom of your bed.
"What's that." He asked pointing at the piece of paper in your hands. Oliver knew what happened with Sirius he believed you that he didn't help kill the potter's.
"It's a letter form Sirius." You said trying to stop yourself from crying. Oliver got up and wrapped you in a hug the sent of honey filling your nostrils instantly calming you down.
"Do you want to talk about it." He asked as his chin rested on the top of your head.
"Not really." You said hugging him tighter.
"Since it's Saturday do you want to go to hogsmeed and get a butter beer." You nodded you went into the bathroom to get changed and to do your hair and makeup. When you came out Oliver was sat on your bed he had the scrapbook that Harry made you in his hands your eyes went wide since Harry had slipt a note into the book.

Y/n ask him out I know you like him and I know he likes you since he never shuts up about you to be honest he's the only bloke in this school that I would trust to look after you so go for it.

Love Harry

You prayed that he didn't see it.
"Hey let's go." You said trying not to act worried.
"Yeah." He said as he put the book down little did you know he did see it.

Duh duh duh 😱😱😱. What's going to happen.

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